Give the next poster an item

*sings badly*

Next user gets a shower.

Next user gets a trumpet.
*hits someone with it*

Next user gets a period.

Next user gets another trumpet.
*hits someone with it again*

Next user gets a Mushroom bag.

Next user gets a glass of milk.

Next user gets their very own cow!
*puts in pocket*

Next user gets a pair of socks.
*throws them away*

Next user gets a pile of coins.
*gives to next user*
*puts in cage*

Next user gets a copy of Dream Team
Uggh! It burns my face! AAAAAGGHHH! *frying to death*

Next user gets Billy (from Saw)
Go away, Billy.

Next user gets a mini World10.
Alright, who made a clone of me?

Next user gets a Premium Yoshi.

Next user gets a Cactus.
*kills it*

Next user gets a stab in the back.
N64dude recovers from stab
Next user gets a Hyper TPY.
Hyper me.

Next user gets an empty bottle.
C'mon, let's play.

Next user gets a tennis ball.