Have you ever been banned ??

NSY said:
I don't even know what warning PM's look like.
Mason said:
This is not a warning.


We (as in, some of the other mods and I) thought you should know that if you have a problem with someone, report them. Please do not get involved in the argument.
Like I said, I have a reminder, and here's what a reminder looks like.
IceShadow1195 said:
Do I really have to say something else?


I was banned for severly flaming users for 2 weeks, are you happy now
Well it would be nice if you stopped making a huge point out of it. It's not a good thing to flame people.
I've never been banned from any forums, but I do know someone who purposely gets banned from forums. ;-;
Did you even see the strike? I wasn't serious when I said that.
Toad85 said:
I want to be banned from somewhere just so I'd know what it would look like.
I got banned to see what it looked like
Dyna-Mite said:
I don't I have ever been banned before!

Which is obvious, you're a new member!

However, I have been banned in this forum once for flaming, I feel like I've improved but I'm starting to have a rivalry with Neptune.

I haven't been banned in the Mariowiki, just warned for vandalizing but it was someone else hacking into my account.

In the chat, I have been accidentally banned for flooding, but it wasn't me that was flooding.
As long as it's not hate, I'm fine with a rivalry. But if it does get out of hand, I'll be avoid most contact with you, because not only do I not want to be banned, but I'd rather not bring anyone else into being banned either.