Big Brother 14


Should have been Wil. He's funny, plus he's on Janelle's team which is better than Boogies.

And it's so obvious the coaches will enter sometime if they all have keys next to them. Well, maybe.

If the coaches do win the game, I want Boggie out, and Dan, even though I like him. I don't think anybody deserves to win twice, and if you are going to give it to a coach, at least give it to Janelle or Brittney.

But, I don't care if Willie is out. I can still root for Shane and Jojo.
Janelle won the coach competition, immuning Ashley. She got to pick the four have-nots, which was all of Britney's team and Ian who volunteered. America's vote was pork grinds and pudding.

Willie is being a douche and is doing chaos so he can get evicted. He told Jojo that he's trying to get everyone to vote him out so that he can save her game and Shane's game. Feeds cutoff with Willie going to the HoH room. I think they are doing nominations now.

Willie's gone. Just...gone. He left, and no longer in the game. Shane and Jojo are nominated, and it doesn't look good for Britney.

I do recommend reading this spoiler. It's very...important.
I was so happy when Shane won the veto. But, I like Danielle and Jojo both so...... I think my vote goes for Danielle. I just don't want another one of Britney's players gone.
"If Ryan Seacrest and Kermit the Frog had a kid, that baby would be Dan"

Toad85 said:
"If Ryan Seacrest and Kermit the Frog had a kid, that baby would be Dan"

Ha that was hilarious.

I hope the players enter the game so I can focus on rooting for Brittney, and hopefully getting Boogie out of the house.
I honestly hope they don't.

You know what happened last season when they introduced a bunch of veterans into a relatively weak-playing house.
Toad85 said:
I honestly hope they don't.

You know what happened last season when they introduced a bunch of veterans into a relatively weak-playing house.
Well yeah, but if the players were smart they wouldn't have Shellys and Adams who are playing with the veterans too.
Did anyone else just laugh at the fact that Mike Boogie failed at the Coach Competition just because he tried to make an egotistic remark? That was the best! (I haven't watched the episodes from Sunday-Thursday till today)

Shane having HoH is just perfect. Nom predictions:

Guess - Joe and Frank.
Back-up Guess - Frank and Ian

Please leave Danielle alone for this one week.

Also, Ian has been annoying me so much lately, I am starting to get really irritated with seeing him on the show. I also hope America votes yes so I can see them all fight for the money as well.
More news:

Janelle won the Coach Competition again! She immuned Wil. I know that Shane will not nominate Danielle, since we are finally getting a showmance going on! So, he's going to nominate from 5 people, which makes at least one of my guesses possible.

On a sidenote, when I saw Shane in the preview stuff, I instantly thought of Jeff. When I heard Danielle's voice, I heard the southern accent that reminded me of Jordan. Now, they are getting a showmance going, and now it's really pushing my comparisions.
Frank and Joe on the block.... It's a win win for me.

Joe is just annoying. Be glad if he is gone.

And Frank is on Boogie's team so it's great that a physical threat is out of the game for Shane.
If you want to know who won the HoH, you should look, because I'm sure that when you do, you'll be amazed:
Danielle (Britany threw it for her at the end)
New Super Mario said:
Frank has got to go! Boogie, before him though. Maybe he can get backdoored.

Well, if you really want to know what's going to happen...
Danielle won the Power of Veto in a Luxury Veto Competition, where everyone got a prize. Ian got a 24-hour Dog suit that you're going to laugh when you see, a Spiri-tard for Frank, $5,000 for Wil, A Mawi vacation for Jenn, and a Veto Pass for Shane.

Danielle used the Power of Veto on Wil, but did not put up Boogie. Instead, she put up Janelle. As of right now, there are well over five votes against Janelle - Shane, Britany, Boogie, Wil, Dan. It seems that she won't get third again this year.
Frank and Janelle now. I kinda hope Janelle leaves, but I still hope Boogie and Frank can stay loyal for the next week and not put up Brittney, Shane, Danielle, or someone like that. Anyway, go Quack Pack!
Okay, do any of you read my spoilers?

Janelle has been going around to certain people, telling them that she gots the vote. I don't know what her plan is, but I think she's trying to scare a few players into not voting her so that if she stays like she is saying, then she won't go after her. Quite a stretch.

This part this rather random: Britany asked Danielle to see if they could work until Final 2, and Danielle told her straightforward that she made a final two deal with Shane. She also told Britany that she wants the three of them in Final 3, and that if Britany wins that she should decide who to take.

I really want Britany to win this season. I want her to have the win she didn't because of floaters in the game her season that did nothing until the last two weeks because there were no strong competitors against them.
New Super Mario said:
I don't read them. I like the surprise. ;D

And yeah, go Britney! She has to make up for Season 12.

Well, just note that you should read them after the week is over, because not all of it is just "HoH/Veto/Nominated is...". Mainly there are alliances and deals going on that they don't show on air.

I kind of hate the fact that Janelle didn't even get to play for veto and is most likely getting backdoored, and the fact that she doesn't get to get third a third time again, but hey, she needs to go. I'm mainly annoyed because Frank has been getting off too easily and I swear, they probably did the America's Vote thing just so that they could save Frank. I don't know, but Frank has really been annoying lately.
Janelle is gone yay! But Britney should have won the Veto. I hope Frank stays true to his word and puts like Joe and Ashley up or something like that and not Brittney, Shane, Dan, or anyone like that in the Silent Six or whatever they called it.
New Super Mario said:
Janelle is gone yay! But Britney should have won the HoH. I hope Frank stays true to his word and puts like Joe and Ashley up or something like that and not Brittney, Shane, Dan, or anyone like that in the Silent Six or whatever they called it.

I'm pretty positive that Joe will be going home this week. Despite me not really like Frank that much, I know that he's very honest. Brittany was so close to winning that HoH, and I felt bad for her because she was like in 5 rounds and Frank was like in 2.