The official "Hi, I'm new here!" thread

Hello I'm new to the forums, nice to meet you all! ^-^
Welcome to the Super Mario Boards @Snowza, where the LEGO fans LEGO and the Boards are boring fabulous!
Hey there! I know this thread hasn't been used in like a month, but I just wanted to drop by and say hi again. I'm hopefully going to use this account more often saying for which I barely used it at all initially. Good to see this place again.
Hey there! I know this thread hasn't been used in like a month, but I just wanted to drop by and say hi again. I'm hopefully going to use this account more often saying for which I barely used it at all initially. Good to see this place again.
It appears you have met with a terrible fate and have Ben trapped here for enternity! MWA HA HA HA!
Ok Just Kidding welcome.
Welcome to the Super Mario Boards @Green Luma, where the Luma's dwell on high and the remakes are awful fabulous!
Hi, I'm Trab. I look forward to posting here.
Thanks. And welcome to all fellow new members!
Sorry if this is a late reply, but thanks again!
Does that mean you're the first ever Tyler? Or that you're the best/number one Tyler out of every Tyler out there?