YOUR biography.

procrastination (uncountable)
1. The act of postponing, delaying, or putting off, especially out of habitual carelessness or laziness.
Procrastination is the thief of time.

Stoal'd from Wiktionary.
Just in case someone was in my case.
Yes, I know using a word twice in a sentence is twice as annoying.
Waffles are tasty.
Are you still reading?

I stopped reading five minutes ago.
I got here...

I found it when I was browsing Super Mario Monsters Compendium. There was a section on the SMMC that said in big letters RELATED SITES and I clicked and there was Super Mario Wiki. I ignored it at first, but then I went back. I didn't know anything about Talk Pages or User Pages. So I ignored them and read the entire wiki, back-to-back. Then I made a Shyguy Saga article. It was deleted soon after. And just when I thought I was through with the wiki, I saw a little thing that said YOU HAVE NEW MESSAGES.

...and I'm still here today! :lol:
I did it to. :blush: embarrasing, huh?
Re: I got here...

Murzon Shyshadow said:
I found it when I was browsing Super Mario Monsters Compendium. There was a section on the SMMC that said in big letters RELATED SITES and I clicked and there was Super Mario Wiki. I ignored it at first, but then I went back. I didn't know anything about Talk Pages or User Pages. So I ignored them and read the entire wiki, back-to-back. Then I made a Shyguy Saga article. It was deleted soon after. And just when I thought I was through with the wiki, I saw a little thing that said YOU HAVE NEW MESSAGES.

...and I'm still here today! :lol:

wow good story :cry: :lol:
so some people have similar storys, you rpoint?
Plumber said:
No point. That is my point.

your points is that his point is my point which is wayoshis point which is KPH2293....
Sheesh! Are you trying to make our heads explode?!
PeteyPiranhaLover said:
Sheesh! Are you trying to make our heads explode?!

ummm did it work?
wow got some interesting bios her :mrgreen:

Mine is even more boring. I only made minor edits for God's sake... except when I expanded that SSBM article. That was some bad grammar.