

Artisanal Cheese Taster
I've never read the book but I saw the movie. Real creepy film.
Good book and movie. The movie is very creepy for a kids film and follows the book well, apart the annoying boy isn't in the book.
I've read the book, but i've never seen the movie. I really can't remember it all that well...
Never got around to reading or watching Coraline, mostly due to the fact that I get scared very easily. Also, the movie came out in 2009, this is kind of late.
Interesting movie. Haven't read the book yet.
gonna break the combo and say that i really wasn't that interested

The whole "creepy movie" genre is lame in my opinion, movies are only creepy to me when it's not the whole point of the movie.

Aliens being my favorite example of "not just creepy movie but still intense and awesome and scary".

The part where they're climbing on the ceiling was one of the best "we're screwed" moments in cinema history.

Not to mention the great reveal of the queen alien stowaway.
GreenDisaster said:
Never got around to reading or watching Coraline, mostly due to the fact that I get scared very easily. Also, the movie came out in 2009, this is kind of late.
So? A topic can be made whenever we feel like it.

We should totally start a fad where we replaced our avatar's eyes with buttons.
Jack Noir said:
Troy & Abed in the Morning said:
Jack Noir said:
"not just creepy movie but still intense and awesome and scary".

hey what do you know that's Coraline

then what plot points does it have besides buildup to scariness that's just boring

It's actually more of a good-vs-evil adventure story than a horror movie (though it is very surreal and creepy). I'm too lazy to explain the whole plot so you should probably just read the book or watch the movie, they're both really good.
but i did watch the movie

or at least part of it

i got really bored and didn't really care enough to finish it
So I borrowed a Kindle eBook from the library and started reading it. A bit too fast paced for my liking, but otherwise pretty good.
Honestly, the most disturbing part is when everything becomes twisted and evil. Imagine this happening to the Mushroom Kingdom
So I've noticed they make a large emphasis on names in the book.

-Three characters have names: Coraline and Misses Spink and Forcible.
-No one seems to be able to call Coraline by her proper name.
-The cat claims that names are not important.
-The ghost children have forgotten their names.