Capcom announces new Megaman game...

Rad Dudesman

King Bowser
...for iOs.

-Autumn 2012.
-iOS 4.0
-iPhone 3G/4/4S iPod touch 3rd generation. iPad
-RPG Social.

article said:
The game is described as a social RPG currently in development to commemorate the franchise's 25th anniversary.

I hope there's something else in the pipeline, because honestly this looks quite dull from the screenshots.
Did you crack your iPhone screen, Jorge?
Everybody I know with an iPhone other than you. You're a klutz, Jorge.
Social RPG?

Oh, god. "You levelled up! Tell your friends on Facebook"

I HOPE that's not what a Social RPG is.
Considering the last megaman game they brought up seemed worse than a low quality fangame, I don't expect any better.

Plus social rpg is pretty much unheard of and the very idea is pretty laughable.
Epic Nitwit said:
Zae said:
Considering the last megaman game they brought up seemed worse than a low quality fangame, I don't expect any better.

Which was that?

The megaman x port to ios if memory serves.

mega man is dead

what else do you expect

Very true, pretty much died with keiji's resign and probably legends 3 as well.
Koopa Kid said:
This just made me lose all faith in capcom.

Ehh.... Resident evil and dragons dogma will always be nice. Not to mention monster hunter is awesome.

So theres still good capcom games, just not megaman.

Pretty obvious they want it to die, since not a lot of other titles get a lot of attention otherwise.
Actually, they've been releasing Phoenix Wright, Resident Evil, Street Fighter, Marvel vs. Capcom, Mega Man, and Ghost Trick on the App Store, so I wouldn't really be so surprised