The Official Pokemon Comparison Thread


Donkey Kong
This is a thread for people who need to choose a pokemon for their team, but can't choose between two or three. For example, I need help choosing between Kingdra, Starmie, or Swampert for my Platinum team. By the way, anyone can answer the questions people have.
Cirdec said:
The Dark Knight said:
Cirdec said:
That's for beating the game ? If yes I would choose Swampert.
No, competitive.

Then Kingdra with dragon dance + outrage + rain abuse.
Either this or Starmie.

I'd go with Starmie because Water/Ice/Electric coverage is amazingly awesome, he has great speed, requires no setup, has Natural Cure to heal status simply by switching, and can learn Rapid Spin to boot.

Trust me - Starmie has been a part of my Super Single Battle Subway team forever.

What you'll want is a set like this:

Starmie w/ Life Orb - Life Orb lets you switch between Starmie's amazing coverage moves. You can run Choice Specs, but you'll constantly be switching out for only a minor boost in power.
Timid Nature (Attack down, Speed up) - You might want to go with Modest (Attack down, Sp. Atk up), but you'll lose speed challenges with a bunch of people.
Ability: Natural Cure - I don't need to explain why this is better than Illuminate, do I?
EVs: 4 HP/252 Sp. Atk/252 Speed - Max attack and Speed here, pretty standard.
Surf/Hydro Pump - The choice is up to you, reliability (surf) versus power (Hydro Pump). This is your main STAB attack.
Thunderbolt/Thunder - If you're going with a Rain team, use Thunder - otherwise Thunderbolt is a far better choice with 30% more accuracy.
Ice Beam - Great coverage move.
Rapid Spin - Gets rid of hazards, which is great because Stealth Rock is basically the definition of the DPP metagame.

Enough said.

Dragon Dance + Outrage

The hell is on the loose.
The Dark Knight said:
Magikrazy said:
Jack Noir said:
^ True, but Gyarados is better at sweeping with Dragon Dances than Kingdra is.

In my opinion, anyways.
Yeah, but Gyarados isn't one of the choices.
Besides, I don't like Gyarados' 4x Electric weakness.
I've found that the pros far outweigh the cons with Gyarados. He's got 125 base Attack, a decent base 81 Speed, great defenses, a fantastic movepool, and only two weaknesses, Rock and 4x Electric.

If you're so scared of Electric attacks, just carry a Ground-type on your team. You can easily switch Gyarados out and send in the Ground type to absorb the Electric attack.
Jack Noir said:
The Dark Knight said:
Magikrazy said:
Jack Noir said:
^ True, but Gyarados is better at sweeping with Dragon Dances than Kingdra is.

In my opinion, anyways.
Yeah, but Gyarados isn't one of the choices.
Besides, I don't like Gyarados' 4x Electric weakness.
I've found that the pros far outweigh the cons with Gyarados. He's got 125 base Attack, a decent base 81 Speed, great defenses, a fantastic movepool, and only two weaknesses, Rock and 4x Electric.

If you're so scared of Electric attacks, just carry a Ground-type on your team. You can easily switch Gyarados out and send in the Ground type to absorb the Electric attack.

Yes, but Kingdra has the advantage to be a mixed sweeper and no stealth rock weakness.