Pokémon Black and White: Wiki Edition - STATUS: POSTPONED UNTIL POKEMON IS FUN

Re: Pokémon Black and White: Wiki Edition: Chapter Nine. Take that, Tabuu.

So I suppose I should announce whose signups were the best, and basically, who I'm planning to use as recurring characters. I've already featured all of them except Rocker.

1. Javelin, obviously
1. Walkazo
2. Edofenrir
3. Anton
4. Crocodile Dippy
5. Yoshiwaker
6. Tabuu
7. MCD
8. Rocker

If you aren't on this list, it means either a. I lost your signup under all the PMs I get from Shoey or b. it wasn't detailed enough to use as a recurring character.

If you'd still like to feature as a recurring character, then I would suggest PMing me again with a more detailed signup (or a totally different one that's detailed, i suppose).

I'm still going to feature some of you guys, but it'll probably just be for a chapter or so, more of a cameo role.
Re: Pokémon Black and White: Wiki Edition: Chapter Ten: Finally Catching Pokemon

chapter ten - yay we're finally catching pokemon

Next chapter: Skyarrow Bridge.

To me, the Skyarrow Bridge will always represent the Ravenel Bridge from here in Charleston. It's probably supposed to represent some other bridge, I guess, but the thing about art is everyone is free to interpret it their own way, so... It looks like this to me.
Re: Pokémon Black and White: Wiki Edition: Chapter Ten: Finally Catching Pokemon

Viridi said:
It's probably supposed to represent some other bridge, I guess,

Based on its location when comparing Unova to NYC, probably the Brooklyn Bridge. But as you said, art is subjective. I always viewed it as the Outerbridge Crossing, between Perth Amboy and Staten Island.
Re: Pokémon Black and White: Wiki Edition: Chapter Ten released!

Environmentalism's only annoying when it's taken to the extreme - like most philosophies and practices, really.

Anyway, good chapter - nice and exciting. I'm glad lil' Typhlosion got to be victorious in the battles, and the new Pokemon seem fun.
Re: Pokémon Black and White: Wiki Edition: Chapter Ten released!

Javelin: shit, yeah

I've been to that bridge before. Me, my Grandpa and my uncle used to drive across it to reach the Yorktown.
Re: Pokémon Black and White: Wiki Edition: Chapter Nine. Take that, Tabuu.

Dr. Javelin said:
If you'd still like to feature as a recurring character, then I would suggest PMing me again with a more detailed signup (or a totally different one that's detailed, i suppose).
ill redo mine except with mostly the same personality

i found it buried in my outbox and i feel like an idiot as its barely detailed at all
Re: Pokémon Black and White: Wiki Edition: Chapter Ten released!

Walkazo said:
Environmentalism's only annoying when it's taken to the extreme - like most philosophies and practices, really.
That's basically my opinion too, but Team Plasma would be an excellent example of extremists.
Walkazo said:
I'm glad lil' Typhlosion got to be victorious in the battles, and the new Pokemon seem fun.
Now he's got someone to show up. And the fact that he helped capture the Venipede helped his confidence a lot.
Tabuu said:
I've been to that bridge before. Me, my Grandpa and my uncle used to drive across it to reach the Yorktown.
It's basically the symbol of Charleston now, because it's so huge and awesome and we really don't have any other impressive buildings to speak of.
Pyro said:
Dr. Javelin said:
If you'd still like to feature as a recurring character, then I would suggest PMing me again with a more detailed signup (or a totally different one that's detailed, i suppose).
ill redo mine except with mostly the same personality

i found it buried in my outbox and i feel like an idiot as its barely detailed at all
And that would be why you haven't featured in the story.
Re: Pokémon Black and White: Wiki Edition: Chapter Ten released!

sent my pm thanks
Re: Pokémon Black and White: Wiki Edition: Chapter Ten released!

what is that image supposed to be exactly
Re: Pokémon Black and White: Wiki Edition: Chapter Ten released!

Maybe an RPG because Pokemon is an RPG series?

I'm just guessing.
Re: Pokémon Black and White: Wiki Edition: Chapter Ten released!

its a javelin
but i guess it could be an rpg
it says thanks (javelin)
jeez no more battlefield for me
Re: Pokémon Black and White: Wiki Edition: Chapter Ten released!

This concludes Part One.

I'm not sure whether or not I'll take a brief break from writing now. I mean, I don't really feel like I need one...

But yeah. Now the story should really start kicking into gear.
Re: Pokémon Black and White: Wiki Edition: Chapter Ten released!

If you want to keep writing, keep writing: inspiration happens when it happens, and ya just gotta go with it. Of course, you could always write but not tell us and bank the chapters, so in case you hit a dry spell, you'll have a backlog to break it up with.

Anyway, good chapter. It's nice to see MCD and Waker again (although for them, the circumstances are not so nice). The writing seems a wee bit stiff at times, but I suspect that's because of trying to balance full scenes with the brisk pacing - real conversations tend to meander about, but the goal here is to get in, get the plot points down, keep up the characterization, and continue on (rather than have big ol' scenes where the point is gotten to eventually).
Re: Pokémon Black and White: Wiki Edition: Chapter Ten released!

Walkazo said:
The writing seems a wee bit stiff at times, but I suspect that's because of trying to balance full scenes with the brisk pacing - real conversations tend to meander about, but the goal here is to get in, get the plot points down, keep up the characterization, and continue on (rather than have big ol' scenes where the point is gotten to eventually).
Yeah, this chapter was always a little bland in my mind because it's a only bridge (heh heh) to the rest of the action. I thought about throwing some character exposition/reveals in here, to put some important dialogue in, but then I decided to keep everyone's pasts a secret and keep you guys hanging.

Can't reveal everything already! : P

But yeah, this chapter being rather slow was necessary. I needed a bit of "down time" so that Pheobe could hatch, because I couldn't have the Egg hatch during a busy scene and considering she has 63 levels to go, she's got to start gaining them early! I also had always wanted to have the Egg hatch on Skyarrow Bridge because that's traditionally where I hatch all my Eggs in-game.

So yes, I freely admit it's slower, but I'm not sure there was much I could do about it and the hatching needed to happen at some point. Hopefully, the MCD and Waker cliffhangers are notable enough to keep everyone interested.
Re: Pokémon Black and White: Wiki Edition: Chapter Ten released!

I didn't mean it seemed slow or bland (it didn't), just that the writing style itself is very deliberate, rather than flowy - like the point of each chapter is to hit X, Y and Z plot points, rather than X, Y and Z plot points happening as part of the chapter. Both styles have their pros and cons; I tend to favour the latter method, as it feels more natural and it's easier to get swept up in the story, but it runs the risk of beating around bushes, getting sidetracked and even losing steam. On the other hand, the eyes-on-the-prize method feels a bit unnatural, but avoids pretty much all filler, and moves the narrative along nice and quickly, which hopefully means the story will get finished before the interest and motivation to keep writing peter out, as it does with so many fanfictions.
Re: Pokémon Black and White: Wiki Edition: Chapter Ten released!


Yeah, that's a good point. Maybe I should stop planning ahead so much and just work things in as the chapter goes, not planning it before the chapter.

also 3rd place in favorite written fiction woo
Re: Pokémon Black and White: Wiki Edition: Chapter Ten released!

No no, planning ahead is a VERY good thing. It's just the execution that could be a bit more breezy. But on a whole, the writing is good and the brisk pacing in itself isn't a bad thing: there's no filler, no drag, just plot.
Re: Pokémon Black and White: Wiki Edition: Chapter Ten released!

i just realised i got kidnapped by anton

i bet hes actually not doing any experiments at all, hes just putting his hands in my bulb like he always does >⁠:⁠(
Re: Pokémon Black and White: Wiki Edition: Chapter Ten released!

Well yeah, gotta stretch it out, how else do you expect me to fit inside of it for sittin' time?
Re: Pokémon Black and White: Wiki Edition: Chapter Ten released!

"It feels like we'e been walking forever."

Please say you haven't lost my signup, Javelin, because I never had a saved copy and by now don't remember most of the team I'd settled on. -_-' And I was some vaguely Bec Noir-themed Scientist w/ a penchant for chomping on chillies.

Not sure of "...stamina for owing battles."

Phoebe is cute.
Re: Pokémon Black and White: Wiki Edition: Chapter Ten released!

Your signup should be somewhere in my PM box, I just have to find it.

Of course, that's difficult because I have a bazillion PMs from Shoey and the PM chains that I was a part of.

Which chapters are those lines from, so I can fix them?

I'd also like to say that the amount of time I have to work on this right now is severely limited due to something called school, so expect a longer time between chapters.
Re: Pokémon Black and White: Wiki Edition: Chapter Ten released!

i sent my pm tingey a while ago but looks like you have a full inbox so its okei