What if your avatar met the avatar above?

Mariotime11 said:
You shapeshifter! Become one or become none!

*Mariotime11 throws Neptune into a sauna, leaving him to burn to death*

*does nothing*

Why are people trying to kill me? If anything, I'm the guy doing the LEAST damage.
Neptune 2.0 said:
Mariotime11 said:
You shapeshifter! Become one or become none!

*Mariotime11 throws Neptune into a sauna, leaving him to burn to death*

*does nothing*

Why are people trying to kill me? If anything, I'm the guy doing the LEAST damage.

*Looks, see The End with big gun.* What did you say?
Ok, he hasn't done ANYTHING for a while! You should be trying to kill Radagast or Bane, or at the very least Grovyle!


Just stick with me on this one, mate.
You hypocrite.

*K.K. takes BowserJunior's paintbrush away*