What if your avatar met the avatar above?

Serves you right for trying to put everyone into the dungeon, you mustard-colored fink rat!
Megadardery: Can I call you pointylemonface?
Earl of Lemongrab: no
Megadardery: No problem, pointylemonface.
Earl of Lemongrab: :mad:
Earl of Lemongrab: Why laughing?
Megadardery: I can see the point of your nose
Earl of Lemongrab: Every one can see it, the tip of my nose.
Megadardery: I meant why it exists
Earl of Lemongrab: I think everybody knows this too, I use it to smell and breath
Megadardery: I think you should use it to open wine bottles
Earl of Lemongrab: :mad:
Megadardery: Just calm down WineBottleOpenerWhoHasPointyLemonFace
Earl of Lemongrab: Kind of long name, ain't it?
Megadardery: Yeah! as long as your nose.
Earl of Lemongrab: :mad: :mad: :mad:
Megadardery: What was the last time you had a shower
Fawful: Why, it was yesterday
Megadardery: Because you smell like a bean
Fawful: :mad: