

Mammoths aren't dinosaurs. What the hell, Konami?
Sharks and dinos are both part of Gnathostomata and come from the same common ancestor, but sharks are off in Chondrichthyes, whereas dinos are part of Tetrapoda. When I took Animal Diversity in university 4 years ago, Tetrapoda was part of Osteichthyes, technically making dinosaurs (and us) bony fishes, but I think they might have changed things around since then. Either way, they're not sharks, sorry.

Crocodile Dippy said:
lol, I actually used the exact same paper she's reading in not one, but two essays I wrote last year (one about raptors, one about the laton names used in that specific paper). Major props to XKCD for actually providing the citation in the comic (Fowler et al. 2011).

Theropods are my favourite group of dinos; it's so hard to choose a specific species, but I really like Deinonychus (antirrhopus), and T. rex will always have a special place in my heart.