User Big Brother 5 - Cancelled

Re: User Big Brother 5 - Week 1 - HoH MCD, BMB and Toad85 nominated

Ok, I finished.

And now I've decided that it sucks, so I've thrown out the idea and will spend the next three days thinking of a better one.

Ahaha but seriously

Veto has been sent. Please tell me if you are in the veto and did not receive the pm.

I won't reveal what it is to the other ten until all six have sent it in just to be annoying.
Re: User Big Brother 5 - Week 1 - HoH MCD, BMB and Toad85 nominated

Meowth said:
I won't reveal what it is to the other ten until all six have sent it in just to be annoying.
i hate you
Re: User Big Brother 5 - Week 1 - HoH MCD, BMB and Toad85 nominated

This is actually a really cool veto too. =D
Re: User Big Brother 5 - Week 1 - HoH MCD, BMB and Toad85 nominated

Gundam Tanaka said:
i hate you


Ino Yamanaka said:
This is actually a really cool veto too. =D

Re: User Big Brother 5 - Week 1 - HoH MCD, BMB and Toad85 nominated


this is a hide and seek thing. the contestants each have a box and must hide it in one of many places in the house. then they must search the hiding spots they didn't use in search for other veto boxes. when a player's box has been found, they are out of the challenge, cannot search any more, and will not be able to win the veto. the player who's box remains hidden wins the veto.
Re: User Big Brother 5 - Week 1 - HoH MCD, BMB and Toad85 nominated

Another "no answer is right/wrong, but you just got to give your best guess" competition.

I hope I at least am not the first to fail...again...
Re: User Big Brother 5 - Week 1 - HoH MCD, BMB and Toad85 nominated

I've got five of them. I'll give the last guy until Friday night to send his in.
Re: User Big Brother 5 - Week 1 - HoH MCD, BMB and Toad85 nominated

I'm so nervous.

I'm very amazed at all the activity in this game though. We are already half way through the first week and its only been like 4 days. Over half of the other UBB games usually took at least 2x that amount to get to this point.
Re: User Big Brother 5 - Week 1 - HoH MCD, BMB and Toad85 nominated

So that means we are more active than in pay games.

Re: User Big Brother 5 - Week 1 - HoH MCD, BMB and Toad85 nominated

i got all of them

but it'll be a while before i can post results

i'll explain later
Re: User Big Brother 5 - Week 1 - HoH MCD, BMB and Toad85 nominated

Note: Due to two people choosing under the sink as their hiding spot and therefore having to rehide their boxes, under the sink had ceased to become an available location for checking. It has been removed from everyone's list in an attempt to even things back out.

Also, Locations and searches have been locked. While I will be revealing who hid their stuff where now and will slowly edit it with the rest of the results, you may not change your search to reflect this. Don't comment on how well you did at finding everyone else's locations until I reveal everything, either.

The contestants are hanging outside when Shoey comes out and announces that it's time for the veto competition.

"Hello houseguests, it's time for the Hide and Go Veto competition. Each of you has a veto box. One at a time, each of you will take turns hiding your box in a place where you don't think the others will find it. When all of you have finished hiding your boxes, you will all begin looking for each other's veto boxes. When you find one, bring it up to me. The player whose name is on the discovered box will be eliminated. The player whose box is left unfound will win the power of veto! Good luck, everyone!


Rocker was the first person up. He walked around for a little while, looking for a good place to hide the box. Finally, he opened the fridge and placed his box inside, trying to hide it among the food inside.

Nitwit was next. He immediately ran over to the dining room table and stuffed his box in a bowl full of fruit.

BMB was the third person to go. After thinking carefully for a few moments, he walked over to the trash can and tried to stuff it into the bottom as well as he could. When he was satisfied with where it was, he left and let the next person go.

The next person was NSM. He walked over to the living room and slid his box under the red chairs.

MCD was up next. He decided to hide his box in the pantry.

Toad85 was last. He walked over to the fridge, unaware that Rocker hid his box inside, and hid his somewhere on top.


Shoey gathered everyone back into the living room.

"Alright, everyone has hid their boxes, it's time to try to find them! Ready, set...GO!"

Toad85 and BMB both checked under the couches nearby, but failed to find anything. MCD ran up to his room and began looking in his bed. Nitwit ran over to the trash can. BMB, knowing that he hid his box there, gulped when he saw Nitwit digging in the trash can. Surely enough, Nitwit pulled out a box and immediately ran back over to the living room and handed it to Shoey, who saw BMB's name on the box.

"I'm sorry BMB, but you have been eliminated."

BMB nodded slowly and went outside. Meanwhile, Rocker was near the fridge where he had hid his box. He was searching near it. On top, he found someone else's box and ran over to hand it to Shoey. Shoey found Toad85's name written on the box.

"Toad85, you have been eliminated."

Toad85 froze in his tracks upon hearing his name called. He slowly made his way outside as NSM ran into the living room, having found Nitwit's box on the table in the dining room.

"I'm sorry Nitwit, you've also been eliminated."

Nitwit nodded as he made his way outside.

(wow i didn't really expect three of them to get eliminated in the FIRST part)

Rocker ran outside himself. He began looking under the hammock for any boxes. While he was doing that, MCD made his way downstairs and opened the fridge. While MCD was looking inside...and having a snack, NSM was shaking a few of the pillows out to see if anyone had hid theirs in one. Suddenly, both of them notice MCD running to the living room and handing Shoey yet another box. It had Rocker's name on it.

"Rocker, you have been eliminated. It's now between NSM and MCD."

Rocker sighed and just went over to fall asleep in the hammock. MCD crawled under the couches and looked for NSM's box, forgetting that Toad85 and BMB had already looked under them. NSM checked a nearby potted plant, but failed to find MCD's box.

MCD checked the hammock where Rocker was sleeping next, but found nothing. NSM looked behind various window curtains, but didn't find anything either. MCD ran over to the shower and looked in there, while NSM checked the fridge and on top of it. MCD went back over to the fridge after NSM walked away, but couldn't find anything. MCD went over to the potted plant in the living room and checked that while NSM looked under the couches.

NSM walked over to the potted plant by the memory wall, while MCD went back up to the HoH room and checked his shower. After not finding anything, MCD headed back downstairs and looked behind the staircase. NSM looked in the trash can, and then headed outside. MCD walked back into the living room, and remembered that no one had looked under the red chairs. He reached his hand under their and felt something. He immediately pulled it out and ran outside to where Shoey had moved. NSM was over by the hammock when he noticed that MCD was holding his box. Instead of getting mad, he just shrugged it off.

Sorry NSM, you're out. MCD, you have won the power of Veto!

NSM walked over and congratulated MCD. He asked MCD where he had hid his veto box. MCD walked back inside and pulled his box out of the pantry. MCD now had to decide if he wanted to keep his nominations the same or not.

MrConcreteDonkey has won the Power of Veto.
He will be asked for his decision shortly.

It was pretty close in the end. NSM was only two locations away from the pantry.
Re: User Big Brother 5 - Week 1 - MCD wins Veto

well this is certainly interesting

while mcd can take bmb or toad off

he has the ability to do basically anything

one: he can put the most experienced player on the block

two: he can put the most inexperienced player on the block

three: he can get rid of a useless player who will do nothing in the long run

four: he could just keep bmb and toad on

five: anything really

p.s you're welcome for the suggestions mcd
Re: User Big Brother 5 - Week 1 - HoH MCD, BMB and Toad85 nominated

Xerneas said:
Saul Slendamann said:
Xerneas said:
The cornered mouse bites the cat.

Don't worry; it's going to take more to get me out than given.

calling it, you're getting evicted

I'll be careful what you say, because I have strong influences in the game, so evicted or not, you might find your time in the game short.

i'm so scared
Re: User Big Brother 5 - Week 1 - MCD wins Veto

Saul Slendamann said:
Xerneas said:
Saul Slendamann said:
Xerneas said:
The cornered mouse bites the cat.

Don't worry; it's going to take more to get me out than given.

calling it, you're getting evicted

I'll be careful what you say, because I have strong influences in the game, so evicted or not, you might find your time in the game short.

i'm so scared

You better be. I hope your buddies can beat me in the HoH this upcoming week.
Re: User Big Brother 5 - Week 1 - MCD wins Veto

MCD gathered everyone into the living room and announced that it was time for the Veto Ceremony.

"Hello everyone, and welcome to the Veto Ceremony. As the Head of Household, I had nominated BMB and Toad85 for eviction. As the winner of the Power of Veto, I can now take one of my nominees off the block."

"After thinking about it, I have decided to use the Power of Veto on Toad85.

Toad85 was shocked, but let out a sigh of relief. "Thanks MCD" he said as he got off the red chair and sat down on the nearby couch.

"Since I have just vetoed one of my own nominations, I now need to name a replacement. RandomYoshi, I have decided to nominate you for eviction."

RY flinched as he walked over to the red chair that Toad85 just left and sat next to BMB.

"This Veto Ceremony is adjourned."

Toad85 has been vetoed, and RandomYoshi was named as the replacement.
Either BMB or RandomYoshi will be evicted.
Eviction PMs coming out shortly, but you may cast your vote now if you wish. Be sure to vote for the person you want to ELIMINATE, not the person you want to keep in the game.
As head of household, MCD cannot vote, and since they could only vote for each other, RY and BMB cannot vote either.
Eviction begins now.
Re: User Big Brother 5 - Week 1 - Eviction: BMB versus RandomYoshi

How long do we have to vote.
Re: User Big Brother 5 - Week 1 - Eviction: BMB versus RandomYoshi

Until I receive a majority against one of the two nominees (7 votes) and an extra day or two for the remaining votes after that.
Re: User Big Brother 5 - Week 1 - Eviction: BMB versus RandomYoshi

also i put up a story if anyone gives a fuck
Re: User Big Brother 5 - Week 1 - Eviction: BMB versus RandomYoshi


Why. Seriously, why.

You set up a perfect situation where one strong player is guaranteed to go home. And then you ruin it by taking me off the block and putting up the new guy.

Wtf, man.
Re: User Big Brother 5 - Week 1 - Eviction: BMB versus RandomYoshi

I have my reasons. Pi's going to be a dangerous player too - in fact, he already has been quite dangerous.
Re: User Big Brother 5 - Week 1 - Eviction: BMB versus RandomYoshi

Saul Slendamann said:
I have my reasons. Pi's going to be a dangerous player too - in fact, he already has been quite dangerous.
He's new though.
Re: User Big Brother 5 - Week 1 - Eviction: BMB versus RandomYoshi

Saul Slendamann said:
I have my reasons. Pi's going to be a dangerous player too - in fact, he already has been quite dangerous.
Can you explain how I have already been dangerous?