How Long have you been on the wiki for?

I've been part of the community for almost six or seven years now.

First few years were on both Mariowiki and Userpedia, then just Userpedia, then Userpedia and Fantendo, and now Fantendo and Xephyr. I haven't actually contributed to Fantendo in any meaningful way for a long time now, I just really, really like the extended community a lot.
Almost half a year.
I've been here since September 2009

So, it has been about 3 years
Not that long actually, in the grand scheme of things.
I have been browsing the wiki ever since 2009 but I didn't decide to join until June 2011.
6 1/2 years
Five and a half years. Four accounts. The last one has been active since 2009.
March 2007

5 years 8 months about

Never thought about it until now but I guess I joined when I was 11 years old

Das crazy
Christian Brutal Sniper said:
March 2007

5 years 8 months about

Never thought about it until now but I guess I joined when I was 11 years old

Das crazy

I joined when i was 10