Earthbound is really likely to be on the VC.


Shine Sprite

Xpike said:
I want SMRPG, but I also want the Porky saga! (aka Eathbound and Mother 3)
EarthBound is really likely to be on the VC.

Mother 3 has no chance, being a GBA game and all. :-\
Pokemon DP said:
Xpike said:
I want SMRPG, but I also want the Porky saga! (aka Eathbound and Mother 3)
EarthBound is really likely to be on the VC.

Mother 3 has no chance, being a GBA game and all. :-\

Hope at least they make it Earthbound 2 ;-; I wonder if Nintendo even knows we want Mother.
Ya, its out in Europe, so we America will probably get it soon :posh:
My sig and I both desire the arrival of EarthBound on Virtual Console in the US! I know they'll release it...I just know it! (Ninty'...we want Ness!)
FlareKnight said:
I want all the Mother/Earthbound game to go to the VC
Well, Mother 3 will never be on the VC (it's a handheld) but other than that, I totally agree.