Ten years ago... in 2014... a terrible tragedy nearly wiped out all user-kind... barely any survivors exist... most survivors turned corrupt... three didn't... they have to find the Crystal Arrows... and restore the world to its former glory...
Post-Apocalypse: The Adventure
Non-corrupt survivors
Red - a twenty-three year-old user who always wears a red hat. Is obviously the leader of the group and takes charge in any dire situation. Used to wear fingerless gloves, but they got lost in the apocalypse.
Typhlosion - Red's best friend and companion, started out merely as Red's Starter Pokémon, but has now learned how to become a user, and is working with Red to restore the world's glory.
SuperMario25 er... Link - Former owner of a football shop. Began to think he was Link after the apocalypse er... Is Link, and wants to save the world.
Corrupt survivors
Neptune - Former general of Bowserpedia, which was wiped out in the apocalypse
Aleva - Thinks she can fix the world on her own, and will kill anyone who gets in her way.
Toad85 - Former owner of a decimated software factory. Wants political power and ability to create a small embryonic Leninist nation. Wears yellow scarf and blue suit."
SK - Typically doesn't try to fix the world, rather stops anyone when he doesn't like their idea of how they can fix the world. Usually rushes to conclusions and sometimes makes wrong decisions from doing so. He mainly likes to do everything himself and doesn't usually trust anyone, including his closest friends.
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Mentioned dead users
LTQ - Frequent flashback of words, like when you try to bike inside in Pokémon
Porplemontage - The creator of MarioWiki. Mentioned frequently.
Post-Apocalypse: The Adventure
Non-corrupt survivors
Red - a twenty-three year-old user who always wears a red hat. Is obviously the leader of the group and takes charge in any dire situation. Used to wear fingerless gloves, but they got lost in the apocalypse.
Typhlosion - Red's best friend and companion, started out merely as Red's Starter Pokémon, but has now learned how to become a user, and is working with Red to restore the world's glory.
Corrupt survivors
Neptune - Former general of Bowserpedia, which was wiped out in the apocalypse
Aleva - Thinks she can fix the world on her own, and will kill anyone who gets in her way.
Toad85 - Former owner of a decimated software factory. Wants political power and ability to create a small embryonic Leninist nation. Wears yellow scarf and blue suit."
SK - Typically doesn't try to fix the world, rather stops anyone when he doesn't like their idea of how they can fix the world. Usually rushes to conclusions and sometimes makes wrong decisions from doing so. He mainly likes to do everything himself and doesn't usually trust anyone, including his closest friends.
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Mentioned dead users
LTQ - Frequent flashback of words, like when you try to bike inside in Pokémon
Porplemontage - The creator of MarioWiki. Mentioned frequently.