Miyamoto talks F-Zero

Rad Dudesman

King Bowser

Apparently, the reason another one hasn't been made is because he thought people were tired of it.
Smugleaf said:
Apparently, the reason another one hasn't been made is because he thought people were tired of it.


And people aren't tired of Mario, Pokemon, and Zelda?
people are tired of f-zero


whatever, shiggy
Zae said:
....okay he has massive issues.

I'd rather say he is seriously freaking out of touch with the fans.
Baby Luigi said:
Zae said:
....okay he has massive issues.

I'd rather say he is seriously freaking out of touch with the fans.

That too.

I mean everyone loved GX inside and out and was even praised as one of the best racers game companies have to offer.

I'm just shocked really I thought it would be a more sensible reason, but this is pretty dang dumb.
Zae said:
Baby Luigi said:
Zae said:
....okay he has massive issues.

I'd rather say he is seriously freaking out of touch with the fans.

That too.

I mean everyone loved GX inside and out and was even praised as one of the best racers game companies have to offer.

I'm just shocked really I thought it would be a more sensible reason, but this is pretty dang dumb.

Well, it makes sense from a developer's point of view.

As someone on another forum put it:

The Big problem with F-Zero is really there's not that much of a demand for it compared to their other series. Plus it didn't help Nintendo did try to push F-Zero Gamecube & Gameboy Advance era with no actual success. a Gamecube, Arcade, 3 GBA titles, and a anime series and all Nintendo really got out of that was declining sales and a meme if that.

Plus it doesn't help that the series main character is seen as a Smash character first and a F-Zero character second or at all.

See it from Nintendo's view and not your own, F-Zero is NOT a popular/well known series, it's a well known fact the series sales were getting lower, and lower upon each release to the point the last game was Japan only. And there is really far less demand for a new F-Zero meaning an HD game with numerous new features, like Online and Track Editor will NOT break even and Nintendo will lose money rather than make.

So realistically there is no reason for them to make a new one and it's probably the reason why Miyamoto has asked these questions is cause they do want to make a new one however the risk of F-Zero costing more to make than it's possible profit is keeping them from doing so.

If anything It'd be best to expect at the most/hopeful a 3DS game this gen if they do decide to make a new F-Zero rather than a Wii U F-Zero, a moderate expectation would be a downloadable title only to also test out the waters, or in a wild card move, decide they can't go further with the series as is, and decide to revamp it from the ground up and start anew.
Yes, I agree entirely with that quote. I wouldn't mind seeing a new F-Zero game though.

If you want to criticize a developers choice, you have to see it from their perspective first.
Crackin355 said:
Yes, I agree entirely with that quote. I wouldn't mind seeing a new F-Zero game though.

If you want to criticize a developers choice, you have to see it from their perspective first.

I agree with the quote as well. F-Zero probably isn't Nintendo's most lucrative franchise, but it hasn't seen a new game in ages. Pikmin isn't one of Nintendo's lucrative franchises either. Heck, I think most people only know Olimar because of Brawl, not because of Pikmin.

Also, we can criticize the developer's choice if they make a clearly bullshit response. F-Zero had 5 games (I don't know I'm just guessing) with the last one being released in probably 2004 or 2005 and then Miyamoto saying "We're tired of it?" It's ok, it's not like we're tired of Mario and it's not like they're churning out 6 Mario games a year, right guys.

ThreeThousand said:
people are tired of f-zero


Baby Luigi said:
And people aren't tired [...] Pokemon, and Zelda?

To be fair, Nintendo isn't the one that makes the Pokemon games, it's Game Freak. Nintendo simply publishes it. Also, a major console Zelda release pretty much has a 5 year gap (Wind Waker -> Twilight Princess -> Skyward Sword). Unless you want to count the Zelda DS games, which most don't care about, then there isn't like a new Zelda every year.
Baby Luigi said:
Smugleaf said:
Apparently, the reason another one hasn't been made is because he thought people were tired of it.


And people aren't tired of Mario, Pokemon, and Zelda?
We may be tired of it, but we keep buying them, and that's what Nintendo cares about.
Crackin355 said:
Yes, I agree entirely with that quote. I wouldn't mind seeing a new F-Zero game though.

If you want to criticize a developers choice, you have to see it from their perspective first.
from a business perspective, it makes sense for Activision to keep whoring out Guitar Hero, Call of Duty, and Spyro until they stop selling well, and then just moving on to the next popular series they own and whoring that out instead

doesn't mean they should do it