First Pokemon game?


Artisanal Cheese Taster
First one I got was Pearl.

The first one I got was Pearl too.
If you mean the first Pokémon game overall I played, it is Pokémon Colosseum, but if you don't count those then they are Pokémon Black Version and Pokémon White Version.
Pokemon Ranger Shadows of Almia
As far as the "main" games, my first was Gold.
The first one I played? The French version of Red. I could hardly understand what is going on and I had to memorize what moves did.

Ah, I still remember the time when I first activated that game and picked out my wonderful Squirtle.
I'll take the honor of being the first one here to say that Pokemon White Version 2 was my first.
Nathan Drake said:
I'll take the honor of being the first one here to say that Pokemon White Version 2 was my first.
it's okay crash, we won't look down on you for being a newcomer to the series

(yes we will)

(well not in front of you anyways)

Seriously, though. Enjoying it or not?