Magic Vending Machine Game

You get a marshmallow gun. (They are real. They're like nerf guns but they shoot marshmallows!)

I put in a santa hat
You get a marshmallow.

I put in a brand new marshmallow.
You get the Harry Potter series.

I put in a can of pear halves
You get a marshmallow.

I put in a brand new marshmallow.
What is it with you and marshmallows??
You get a pie

I put in my clone
You get an old, worn out marshmallow.

I put in the secret marshmallow.
You get Bella Swan

I put in a shirtless vampire
You get a Panda bear.

I put in your favorite marshmallow.
You get a can of pear halves (Rin put this in earlier, came out)

I put in The 45th Nazgul
You get a cloning ray

I put in :eek:
You get a monkey friend! Cherish him!

I put in a 2

(Heh heh heh...little do these people know...everything I receive will help with my MASTERPLAN...>:D)
I can see in the parenthesis y'know?

You get a sparkly Edward Cullen

I put in a random poster
You get a water gun filled eith fruit punch.

I put in my dog who's with me right now.
You get a panda with TWO chanisaws... Good luck...

I put in a doll
You get a Grim Reaper doll

I put in an empty bag of Potato Chips.
You get a bag with chips in it.

I put in the ultimate marshmallow.