Past, Present, Future (Wayo's Ramblings)



This was a ginormous rant Wayoshi posted the Main Page. Since the "No community stuff" rule doesn't allow this kind of section, I thought it should be moved here.

Hello there everyone. Some of the newest users are going to hardly know me, while others link me as a significant core to the beginning of this wiki, once completely small and just old Ghost Jam, the now godly-status Son of Suns, and the good-turned-bad HK-47 (though he wasn't bad, to be honest, he decided he was getting too obsessed with the internet to begin with and left while he could, though in a bad manner). However, I am suddenly finding this wiki now too big for me...

The last time I had a big, long main talk page rant can be found in Archive 12, Section 10. Reading it will help you understand the following, which is about a user once found, and now lost...


I guess I never really told you about my previous internet life. There wasn't any need to. I got my computer in 2002 and basically surfed around the web for 2 years, aimlessly, lost, not caring. I was not yet obsessed with the online world, though – despite going to a school where I was the smartest out of 100 students for 2 years (and thus bullied and w/o friends), I hadn't found anything that pulled me in. That day came after the 2nd day of 7th grade, September 10th, 2004, when I found a site relating to my second "other" interest on my userpage: to quote "I've been growing up with Rugrats and was keenly watching the spin-off series All Grown Up until it was cancelled last fall." FINALLY I had found people online (this was a message board) with a common interest! I hardly had realized how long I may have yearned for such a place, and as such, I gradually became obsessed with the internet.

I won't go into long details, of course, however, the important highlight during this time here was I also had trouble getting along with users. I said things I didn't mean to say sometimes. No, I didn't know enough inappropriate content to be "pervy" yet, but I still got banned a handful of times and often in trouble for overstating my bounds, overcaring about my post count (a common item obsessed interweb people get involved in, but I digress), and many other things. At the time, I attributed it to my autism, and never told a soul about my disability in fear of being ridiculed. The best times were the awards – an anniversary set around the board's creation on the last week of the year in 2003 – when a committee created about 30-40 awards based off of the show, with nominees, during the summer, everyone voted in the fall, and then members were given the chance to present the results of a few awards in their own style (if this sounds familiar, it should). But perhaps the most important I completely desired to be a moderator in such a big community – a chance at being important, respected, and accepted as a friend to all – but my issues destroyed any chance at such.

The show was canceled in late 2005 and the board dissolved by early 2006. Once again I had nowhere to go, but I was determined to start anew somewhere else, earn a spot of importance in the community, and truly feel accepted for the first time in my life by my peers. Then on May 27th, I found a small, inactive wiki needing help, and started on PM2 items...and thus user account #161 was born into the Super Mario Wiki community...


The number of registered users, as I eventually learned, is almost always an overstatement – 15 users at the most were at least somewhat active. At first I was embarrassed when I had to be corrected by Son of Suns on the format of articles – even though I couldn't have known how to do such, I still felt I had broken some intangible rule, broken any chance of having community acceptance. Clinging to this place as a near-last resort to any connection with the outside world (I tried to shield myself from school as much as possible), my obsessed-driven activeness earned what I hoped – along with HK-47, I was sysoped on July 24th, 2006.

Now the wiki was quickly gathering so many more active users such as PJ, MM, GG and others so blurred in my mind now than before, that I felt something special in being here – and indeed, those times are the ones I may cherish the most in all of my computer life. Fun chats with PJ, Knife and WL. The silliness and randomness. The 4 bros. of GG, SM97, SPL, and Eggbert and the bro/sis combo of Plumber and Beanbean becoming a vital part of the growing chat community. The 'Shroom a nice success and neat monthly feature for everyone to enjoy. I believe all of the mentioned users joined March 17th, 2007, but I may be wrong, it's all mushed in my head. That date is very important and comes with much, much sadness for me – just before midnight that fateful Saturday, Steve decided he needed a right-hand man as bureaucrat, ruling even above the sysop class, and I was selected. It felt as if I was at the pinnacle of my life and it would never end; yes, that's how I naive I was. With Steve mostly idle, checking other sites or just plain out with his friends, I was in complete control of the community, the chatroom, everything. Important, respected and accepted. I felt I had found myself, finally, what I was meant to do in life: lead this wiki to the highest peak possible.

But it was not meant to be. I still to this day cannot describe what went through my head – I can identify that I felt I could do whatever I wanted and cover myself up easily with my powers, but there was also a need to escape all the users asking me questions on my talk page, everyone seemingly demanding something out of me which I could somehow not provide. Why it had to be inappropriate I still have not the faintest clue – but I felt it was not my autism, and still I do not use it as an excuse for my actions. When I was found out in late June, I remember Saudy starting a section in my talk, others following and eventually spreading to chat: It's over. Give up. Get out while you can. But I did not want, nor could not, leave this place – I would be leaving behind too much to make up for. Mario Awards I had to go on. On the night before my resignation of all powers, in my cramped, small and messy room, I literally lied down beside my chair, desktop still lit up with accusations of others in the chatroom, and I cried for a good 30 minutes at my stupidity and ruined opportunity at a great existence here – now forever tainted, I was lost once again.

Fortunately most of the users were forgiving to me, and for that summer I continued chatting, editing, and pulled off a relatively successful first Mario Awards – but only as a mere user. The desire to still feel important – even though I tried to convince myself I didn't need any powers to be respected in the community, in fact giving them up was very noble – I still did not feel happy in my position. Once again sysops were somewhat shorthanded after some departures, and thanks to a proposal by PDP (ironic now), I regained normal sysop powers on September 1st. However, there was still an empty void in my life, and it still stings even today – I had permanently ruined my reputation, and as such sometimes feeling hopeless I spammed chat, continued to be inappropriate at times and even anonymous with the chat worsts, yet never touching the wiki. It was still sacred to me, and I still wished to continue to be part of the project as long as I wished, but chat, even though I was addicted to it and was always sad when a ban came my way, was disposable – a liability. As such I continued to decay during the past year...

Something strange happened when Userpedia was created, when the sysops & I were fed up with too many comics on userpages. It had never happened to me before, and it made me the most uncomfortable I had ever felt online – outcast, old, and obsolete. Suddenly a fascination with sprites, stories, comics, and games of themselves took over a good chunk of the userbase, and it still often feels to dominate over the MarioWiki for quite a few. It made me feel bitter that the project seemed abandoned; despite many other users still working on the wiki, I developed a strong hate for Userpedia taking away what MarioWiki most needed: support. Even today, though I try to believe both are balanced and I have made a truce with myself in including Userpedia in Mario Awards II, I still feel it was a negative direction for our userbase here, one that may be neutralized but can never be made positive again. No longer did we have 500 edits or more per day, and with all the combined factors here, branching out to other sites about the manga/anime InuYasha and the game show The Price is Right, and schoolwork, I quite quickly drifted away, always checking recent changes daily, but sometimes going days at a time with just one edit a day or not at all. Sometimes I was active again, especially when new games came out, but I hardly cared anymore...


Well, I've been banned again from chat – I'm not complaining anymore, I shall survive it and make sure I'm in there on August 8th, ready to go. But look at me – ever since my 10,000th edit on 8/25/07, I haven't even had 1500 edits since. My interest has sharply declined...I barely know who's who in the vast array of users (Sparce? ML was KB? Sorry, I honestly completely missed out...)...I don't have the same enthusiasm for anything around here anymore, even coding...

It is with, unfortunately, just only a bit of sadness that August 8th, 2008 may be my last day on this wiki. I plan to see Mario Awards II work out, even though it is not an original idea of mine (wish it was – it's a great system!), I adapted it to work here and I was very proud it of it last year. I certainly looking forward to a fantastic Friday this year with all of you, hopefully...but after that, what's left? Why stay just for playing new online games with the rest of you? I've basically expended all I have to offer here, and with all the latest signs of rejection in chat and indifference to the fate of this wiki – surviving on ads or eventually losing the money battle and moving to Wikia (don't worry, that shouldn't be happening for awhile yet) – I seem to be on my last legs.

Take all of that internet life story above with a grain of salt. I wanted to at least attempt to explain how I was lonely at first, how my emotions were literally binded to this place, how badly the mistake I made cost me. As chat goers would say, even though I was not suicidal during these times, I was most definitely an "emo". I only ask any negative comments be kept to yourself, I don't want a big flame resulting out of this. I felt this needed to be said now not only because it is my second wiki anniversary today (I nearly forgot as could I? :P), but just to establish what my status has been after so much semi-inactivity, that I don't resent anyone in chat, and that I'll try to correct my ways to adapt to chat at least for the 6 weeks remaining after my ban expires on June 25th. Never before I became a bureaucrat did I want it to end up like this...

I may still decide to return, it depends how things go these next 10 weeks, beside Mario Awards II. I'm going to try to contribute to the wiki more instead of chatting the day away and see if I still "feel" it here. Nothing is set in stone yet.

If you read the whole way through, I give you thanks, WaYoshi TC@. 21:32, 27 May 2008 (EDT) (58 minutes before I joined two years ago).

Now, here's the discussion started by the message:

You were a great user, Wayo. The wiki will miss you if you leave. But, choose what you feel is best. Kudos to you if you leave. ;) -InfectedShroom.

If you do leave, this site will always remember you. You've been here a long time, so you've done a lot with this site. The only advice I have is to follow what your heart tells you to do (but, IS already said that...). Happy Wiki-Birthday, by the way. -Stooben Rooben 21:49, 27 May 2008 (EDT)

Although I seriously think you belong on myspace, typing away with one hand and driving a knife into your arm in the other right now, I have to say you seem to have been an immense member of the wiki. Your still a big member of the wiki, I probably don't understand quite how you feel, I've never really edited much at all and everyone's always kinda hated me anyway, but even if everyone hates you why leave? All that's going to do is make everyone remember you as that emo who left because everyone hated you. You shouldn't leave because some Pokefreak tells you to, you should leave because and when you want to leave. Sure your not editing very much, but even I can find something to edit now and then if I hit Random page a few times, so it shouldn't be so hard for you, right? Well, it's not like I was even around when you where big on the wiki, but your still probably one of the largest contributors just because of how much you did back than, leaving would be pitiful, and the only reason you want to leave is because people called you pitiful. Basically what I want to say is, don't leave just because everyone says your a troll, you'll probably still be a big help to the wiki. UnijuMaya Ibuki suggests you click one of these links. - Uniju

I'm not considering leaving b/c of chat, Uni, or what others think. I feel I have no more to give the wiki anymore, besides Mario Awards, which don't come frequent enough to warrant staying. Between everything since's depressed me and left me useless. I'm hoping to find that spirit I was in 2006 again while I take a break from chat with my ban. WaYoshi TC@ 22:17, 27 May 2008 (EDT)

I should say something nice. Wait, better idea. I'll be a condescending Sysops. Move this crap to your userpage and link to it from here. -- Ghost Jam

Personally, I will remember Wayoshi as a competent (If only somewhat power-hungry) Bureaucrat... and a Chatroom pest.

Too bad most will only remember the latter.
Past, Present, Future

Blitzwing said:
Personally, I will remember Wayoshi as a competent (If only somewhat power-hungry) Bureaucrat... and a Chatroom pest.

Too bad most will only remember the latter.
True that.
Past, Present, Future

This also has nothing to do with General Wiki Discussion, so, moved to Off-Topic and merged with the I'm Leaving thread.
Past, Present, Future

Ghost Jam said:
This also has nothing to do with General Wiki Discussion, so, moved to Off-Topic and merged with the I'm Leaving thread.

Well, it is about a sysop/former Bureaucrat retiring, so I thought it was fitting in "General Discussion", but I digress.
Past, Present, Future

I thought I made it clear nothing was set in stone, so I split the topic. Off-subject is fine, it doesn't quite fit in with wiki matters.
Re: Past, Present, Future

Wayoshi said:
I thought I made it clear nothing was set in stone, so I split the topic. Off-subject is fine, it doesn't quite fit in with wiki matters.

It doesn't need to be sticked, however.
You were a great user, Wayo. The wiki will miss you if you leave. But, choose what you feel is best. Kudos to you if you leave. ;) -InfectedShroom.

If you do leave, this site will always remember you. You've been here a long time, so you've done a lot with this site. The only advice I have is to follow what your heart tells you to do (but, IS already said that...). Happy Wiki-Birthday, by the way. -Stooben Rooben 21:49, 27 May 2008 (EDT)

Although I seriously think you belong on myspace, typing away with one hand and driving a knife into your arm in the other right now, I have to say you seem to have been an immense member of the wiki. Your still a big member of the wiki, I probably don't understand quite how you feel, I've never really edited much at all and everyone's always kinda hated me anyway, but even if everyone hates you why leave? All that's going to do is make everyone remember you as that emo who left because everyone hated you. You shouldn't leave because some Pokefreak tells you to, you should leave because and when you want to leave. Sure your not editing very much, but even I can find something to edit now and then if I hit Random page a few times, so it shouldn't be so hard for you, right? Well, it's not like I was even around when you where big on the wiki, but your still probably one of the largest contributors just because of how much you did back than, leaving would be pitiful, and the only reason you want to leave is because people called you pitiful. Basically what I want to say is, don't leave just because everyone says your a troll, you'll probably still be a big help to the wiki. UnijuMaya Ibuki suggests you click one of these links. - Uniju

I'm not considering leaving b/c of chat, Uni, or what others think. I feel I have no more to give the wiki anymore, besides Mario Awards, which don't come frequent enough to warrant staying. Between everything since's depressed me and left me useless. I'm hoping to find that spirit I was in 2006 again while I take a break from chat with my ban. WaYoshi TC@ 22:17, 27 May 2008 (EDT)

I should say something nice. Wait, better idea. I'll be a condescending Sysops. Move this crap to your userpage and link to it from here. -- Ghost Jam

Also, I don't think he doesn't have to give something to the Wiki. He should not leave.
PaperStriker said:
You were a great user, Wayo. The wiki will miss you if you leave. But, choose what you feel is best. Kudos to you if you leave. ;) -InfectedShroom.

If you do leave, this site will always remember you. You've been here a long time, so you've done a lot with this site. The only advice I have is to follow what your heart tells you to do (but, IS already said that...). Happy Wiki-Birthday, by the way. -Stooben Rooben 21:49, 27 May 2008 (EDT)

Although I seriously think you belong on myspace, typing away with one hand and driving a knife into your arm in the other right now, I have to say you seem to have been an immense member of the wiki. Your still a big member of the wiki, I probably don't understand quite how you feel, I've never really edited much at all and everyone's always kinda hated me anyway, but even if everyone hates you why leave? All that's going to do is make everyone remember you as that emo who left because everyone hated you. You shouldn't leave because some Pokefreak tells you to, you should leave because and when you want to leave. Sure your not editing very much, but even I can find something to edit now and then if I hit Random page a few times, so it shouldn't be so hard for you, right? Well, it's not like I was even around when you where big on the wiki, but your still probably one of the largest contributors just because of how much you did back than, leaving would be pitiful, and the only reason you want to leave is because people called you pitiful. Basically what I want to say is, don't leave just because everyone says your a troll, you'll probably still be a big help to the wiki. UnijuMaya Ibuki suggests you click one of these links. - Uniju

I'm not considering leaving b/c of chat, Uni, or what others think. I feel I have no more to give the wiki anymore, besides Mario Awards, which don't come frequent enough to warrant staying. Between everything since's depressed me and left me useless. I'm hoping to find that spirit I was in 2006 again while I take a break from chat with my ban. WaYoshi TC@ 22:17, 27 May 2008 (EDT)

I should say something nice. Wait, better idea. I'll be a condescending Sysops. Move this crap to your userpage and link to it from here. -- Ghost Jam

Also, I don't think he doesn't have to give something to the Wiki. He should not leave.
loln00b. Uni thinks I told him to leave. XDXDXDXDXDXD

I want him to leave, but I never told him to. Wayo made the decision himself.

Uni got pwned.
Pokemon DP said:
PaperStriker said:
You were a great user, Wayo. The wiki will miss you if you leave. But, choose what you feel is best. Kudos to you if you leave. ;) -InfectedShroom.

If you do leave, this site will always remember you. You've been here a long time, so you've done a lot with this site. The only advice I have is to follow what your heart tells you to do (but, IS already said that...). Happy Wiki-Birthday, by the way. -Stooben Rooben 21:49, 27 May 2008 (EDT)

Although I seriously think you belong on myspace, typing away with one hand and driving a knife into your arm in the other right now, I have to say you seem to have been an immense member of the wiki. Your still a big member of the wiki, I probably don't understand quite how you feel, I've never really edited much at all and everyone's always kinda hated me anyway, but even if everyone hates you why leave? All that's going to do is make everyone remember you as that emo who left because everyone hated you. You shouldn't leave because some Pokefreak tells you to, you should leave because and when you want to leave. Sure your not editing very much, but even I can find something to edit now and then if I hit Random page a few times, so it shouldn't be so hard for you, right? Well, it's not like I was even around when you where big on the wiki, but your still probably one of the largest contributors just because of how much you did back than, leaving would be pitiful, and the only reason you want to leave is because people called you pitiful. Basically what I want to say is, don't leave just because everyone says your a troll, you'll probably still be a big help to the wiki. UnijuMaya Ibuki suggests you click one of these links. - Uniju

I'm not considering leaving b/c of chat, Uni, or what others think. I feel I have no more to give the wiki anymore, besides Mario Awards, which don't come frequent enough to warrant staying. Between everything since's depressed me and left me useless. I'm hoping to find that spirit I was in 2006 again while I take a break from chat with my ban. WaYoshi TC@ 22:17, 27 May 2008 (EDT)

I should say something nice. Wait, better idea. I'll be a condescending Sysops. Move this crap to your userpage and link to it from here. -- Ghost Jam

Also, I don't think he doesn't have to give something to the Wiki. He should not leave.
loln00b. Uni thinks I told him to leave. XDXDXDXDXDXD

I want him to leave, but I never told him to. Wayo made the decision himself.

Uni got pwned.
PaperStriker said:
Pokemon DP said:
PaperStriker said:
You were a great user, Wayo. The wiki will miss you if you leave. But, choose what you feel is best. Kudos to you if you leave. ;) -InfectedShroom.

If you do leave, this site will always remember you. You've been here a long time, so you've done a lot with this site. The only advice I have is to follow what your heart tells you to do (but, IS already said that...). Happy Wiki-Birthday, by the way. -Stooben Rooben 21:49, 27 May 2008 (EDT)

Although I seriously think you belong on myspace, typing away with one hand and driving a knife into your arm in the other right now, I have to say you seem to have been an immense member of the wiki. Your still a big member of the wiki, I probably don't understand quite how you feel, I've never really edited much at all and everyone's always kinda hated me anyway, but even if everyone hates you why leave? All that's going to do is make everyone remember you as that emo who left because everyone hated you. You shouldn't leave because some Pokefreak tells you to, you should leave because and when you want to leave. Sure your not editing very much, but even I can find something to edit now and then if I hit Random page a few times, so it shouldn't be so hard for you, right? Well, it's not like I was even around when you where big on the wiki, but your still probably one of the largest contributors just because of how much you did back than, leaving would be pitiful, and the only reason you want to leave is because people called you pitiful. Basically what I want to say is, don't leave just because everyone says your a troll, you'll probably still be a big help to the wiki. UnijuMaya Ibuki suggests you click one of these links. - Uniju

I'm not considering leaving b/c of chat, Uni, or what others think. I feel I have no more to give the wiki anymore, besides Mario Awards, which don't come frequent enough to warrant staying. Between everything since's depressed me and left me useless. I'm hoping to find that spirit I was in 2006 again while I take a break from chat with my ban. WaYoshi TC@ 22:17, 27 May 2008 (EDT)

I should say something nice. Wait, better idea. I'll be a condescending Sysops. Move this crap to your userpage and link to it from here. -- Ghost Jam

Also, I don't think he doesn't have to give something to the Wiki. He should not leave.
loln00b. Uni thinks I told him to leave. XDXDXDXDXDXD

I want him to leave, but I never told him to. Wayo made the decision himself.

Uni got pwned.
Pokemon DP said:
PaperStriker said:
Pokemon DP said:
PaperStriker said:
You were a great user, Wayo. The wiki will miss you if you leave. But, choose what you feel is best. Kudos to you if you leave. ;) -InfectedShroom.

If you do leave, this site will always remember you. You've been here a long time, so you've done a lot with this site. The only advice I have is to follow what your heart tells you to do (but, IS already said that...). Happy Wiki-Birthday, by the way. -Stooben Rooben 21:49, 27 May 2008 (EDT)

Although I seriously think you belong on myspace, typing away with one hand and driving a knife into your arm in the other right now, I have to say you seem to have been an immense member of the wiki. Your still a big member of the wiki, I probably don't understand quite how you feel, I've never really edited much at all and everyone's always kinda hated me anyway, but even if everyone hates you why leave? All that's going to do is make everyone remember you as that emo who left because everyone hated you. You shouldn't leave because some Pokefreak tells you to, you should leave because and when you want to leave. Sure your not editing very much, but even I can find something to edit now and then if I hit Random page a few times, so it shouldn't be so hard for you, right? Well, it's not like I was even around when you where big on the wiki, but your still probably one of the largest contributors just because of how much you did back than, leaving would be pitiful, and the only reason you want to leave is because people called you pitiful. Basically what I want to say is, don't leave just because everyone says your a troll, you'll probably still be a big help to the wiki. UnijuMaya Ibuki suggests you click one of these links. - Uniju

I'm not considering leaving b/c of chat, Uni, or what others think. I feel I have no more to give the wiki anymore, besides Mario Awards, which don't come frequent enough to warrant staying. Between everything since's depressed me and left me useless. I'm hoping to find that spirit I was in 2006 again while I take a break from chat with my ban. WaYoshi TC@ 22:17, 27 May 2008 (EDT)

I should say something nice. Wait, better idea. I'll be a condescending Sysops. Move this crap to your userpage and link to it from here. -- Ghost Jam

Also, I don't think he doesn't have to give something to the Wiki. He should not leave.
loln00b. Uni thinks I told him to leave. XDXDXDXDXDXD

I want him to leave, but I never told him to. Wayo made the decision himself.

Uni got pwned.
I wasn't amused at the underlind, bolded part in italics.
Free Loader said:
PaperStriker said:
Pokemon DP said:
PaperStriker said:
Pokemon DP said:
PaperStriker said:
You were a great user, Wayo. The wiki will miss you if you leave. But, choose what you feel is best. Kudos to you if you leave. ;) -InfectedShroom.

If you do leave, this site will always remember you. You've been here a long time, so you've done a lot with this site. The only advice I have is to follow what your heart tells you to do (but, IS already said that...). Happy Wiki-Birthday, by the way. -Stooben Rooben 21:49, 27 May 2008 (EDT)

Although I seriously think you belong on myspace, typing away with one hand and driving a knife into your arm in the other right now, I have to say you seem to have been an immense member of the wiki. Your still a big member of the wiki, I probably don't understand quite how you feel, I've never really edited much at all and everyone's always kinda hated me anyway, but even if everyone hates you why leave? All that's going to do is make everyone remember you as that emo who left because everyone hated you. You shouldn't leave because some Pokefreak tells you to, you should leave because and when you want to leave. Sure your not editing very much, but even I can find something to edit now and then if I hit Random page a few times, so it shouldn't be so hard for you, right? Well, it's not like I was even around when you where big on the wiki, but your still probably one of the largest contributors just because of how much you did back than, leaving would be pitiful, and the only reason you want to leave is because people called you pitiful. Basically what I want to say is, don't leave just because everyone says your a troll, you'll probably still be a big help to the wiki. UnijuMaya Ibuki suggests you click one of these links. - Uniju

I'm not considering leaving b/c of chat, Uni, or what others think. I feel I have no more to give the wiki anymore, besides Mario Awards, which don't come frequent enough to warrant staying. Between everything since's depressed me and left me useless. I'm hoping to find that spirit I was in 2006 again while I take a break from chat with my ban. WaYoshi TC@ 22:17, 27 May 2008 (EDT)

I should say something nice. Wait, better idea. I'll be a condescending Sysops. Move this crap to your userpage and link to it from here. -- Ghost Jam

Also, I don't think he doesn't have to give something to the Wiki. He should not leave.
loln00b. Uni thinks I told him to leave. XDXDXDXDXDXD

I want him to leave, but I never told him to. Wayo made the decision himself.

Uni got pwned.
I wasn't amused at the underlind, bolded part in italics.

DP: Anta, baka?!

But on a more serious note, you did tell him to leave, or at least said you wanted him to leave while he was there many times. I think any idiot would assume he's leaving because of your constant flaming him in this situation.
Wayoshi is leaving cuz I flamed him, funniest s*** ever. XD

Wayoshi is leaving cuz he's being emo over his ban on Chat, that's why. The ban was dished out by Xze, not me, so I have nothing to do with this. :-\
Would everyone stop being stupid about this? The reasons are plenty and hardly relate to the most recent ban of mine, of which DP gladly gave me my last strike on a "flame", PJ decided to include the 2 strikes from before. Xze was only involved in the tech. ban code, it was all DP & PJ in the end.

I was feeling pretty damn outcast community-wise well beforehand. All the ban did was give me the last straw. DP, YOU need to stop being all smug about it and come back down to Earth.
It's not MY fault Xze was the one who wanted to ban you, and asked me if you should be banned. :-\
Free Loader said:
Wayoshi said:
Would everyone stop being stupid about this? The reasons are plenty and hardly relate to the most recent ban of mine, of which DP gladly gave me my last strike on a "flame", PJ decided to include the 2 strikes from before. Xze was only involved in the tech. ban code, it was all DP & PJ in the end.

I was feeling pretty damn outcast community-wise well beforehand. All the ban did was give me the last straw. DP, YOU need to stop being all smug about it and come back down to Earth.

EVERYONE is god damn fed up with DP being a smartass about everything, but you don't see us leaving.

truer than true.
Guiliant said:
Free Loader said:
Wayoshi said:
Would everyone stop being stupid about this? The reasons are plenty and hardly relate to the most recent ban of mine, of which DP gladly gave me my last strike on a "flame", PJ decided to include the 2 strikes from before. Xze was only involved in the tech. ban code, it was all DP & PJ in the end.

I was feeling pretty damn outcast community-wise well beforehand. All the ban did was give me the last straw. DP, YOU need to stop being all smug about it and come back down to Earth.

EVERYONE is god damn fed up with DP being a smartass about everything, but you don't see us leaving.

truer than true.

Wayo, do what you want; it's your life, so you shouldn't let others tell you what to do. God knows that's got my family in a hell of a lot of bad situations. :-\ If you leave, many will remember you for being a helpful member, all others will remember you as...something else. :P If you stay, then some will be happy, and some won't. It's never gonna end perfectly; do what you feel best. ;)
Stooben Rooben said:
Guiliant said:
Free Loader said:
Wayoshi said:
Would everyone stop being stupid about this? The reasons are plenty and hardly relate to the most recent ban of mine, of which DP gladly gave me my last strike on a "flame", PJ decided to include the 2 strikes from before. Xze was only involved in the tech. ban code, it was all DP & PJ in the end.

I was feeling pretty damn outcast community-wise well beforehand. All the ban did was give me the last straw. DP, YOU need to stop being all smug about it and come back down to Earth.

EVERYONE is god damn fed up with DP being a smartass about everything, but you don't see us leaving.

truer than true.

Wayo, do what you want; it's your life, so you shouldn't let others tell you what to do. God knows that's got my family in a hell of a lot of bad situations. :-\ If you leave, many will remember you for being a helpful member, all others will remember you as...something else. :P If you stay, then some will be happy, and some won't. It's never gonna end perfectly; do what you feel best. ;)

I dont understand why you said "NO U".
Guiliant said:
Stooben Rooben said:
Guiliant said:
Free Loader said:
Wayoshi said:
Would everyone stop being stupid about this? The reasons are plenty and hardly relate to the most recent ban of mine, of which DP gladly gave me my last strike on a "flame", PJ decided to include the 2 strikes from before. Xze was only involved in the tech. ban code, it was all DP & PJ in the end.

I was feeling pretty damn outcast community-wise well beforehand. All the ban did was give me the last straw. DP, YOU need to stop being all smug about it and come back down to Earth.

EVERYONE is god damn fed up with DP being a smartass about everything, but you don't see us leaving.

truer than true.

Wayo, do what you want; it's your life, so you shouldn't let others tell you what to do. God knows that's got my family in a hell of a lot of bad situations. :-\ If you leave, many will remember you for being a helpful member, all others will remember you as...something else. :P If you stay, then some will be happy, and some won't. It's never gonna end perfectly; do what you feel best. ;)

I dont understand why you said "NO U".
Because I had the impulse to. :P