Team Fortress 2: Christmas Calamity 6v9 Event

ChristmasEevee said:
well welp my grandma is not going to bring me back to the house today when she promised me to take me back to the house this weekend.


i'll probably miss this unless a miracle happens and my internet sudenly becomes faster than light.
All the people having to miss it makes me wonder if we should host another match tomorrow to finish any Sets we can't finish. May or may not be possible based on the Veterans' schedules.
Groden said:
Mistletoed said:
I'll also be on for only the first hour or so. Gonna be spending the night at the bar with friends because I'm old I guess. If it's still going on when I get back, I'll certainly rejoin.
Depends how long you'll be out. I predict the event will only last 2-4 hours at most due to how many people have to leave prematurely.

Suddenly plans were canceled, so I guess I'm free all day hopefully.

Oh, also

Travis Touchdown said:
Can all the challengers link to their Steam profiles?

I think we need to do some planning.
Sorry I can't play :(. There may be a chance of me joining if you are still on when I wake up, other than that. :(.
Well, the 1 hour or so that I got to play was fantastic. 10/10 would do again. Assuming it isn't during wrestling season(Winter) my bro will be playing as well.(He plays a fantastic Axtinguisher pyro)
NABO said:
Well, the 1 hour or so that I got to play was fantastic. 10/10 would do again. Assuming it isn't during wrestling season(Winter) my bro will be playing as well.(He plays a fantastic Axtinguisher pyro)

well crap, I wish I was there T_T
it was a calamity for sure
i was lagging the whole way through and tf2 completely stopped working after badlands

as i told dippy, i really need a new laptop

but otherwise it was pretty fun

(oh yeah and i'm also bad at the game, i would've gone spectator if there weren't only 8 other people on the team)

no one had to sit out ever

and we only made it through three maps before we lost too many people
Four, actually.

I'd just like to thank you all for making the time to play. It was only 3 hours and only consisted of 15 matches, but it was quite fun. To my surprise, it was extremely tilted towards the Veterans, with us winning 13/15 of the matches. The Challengers really should've used more teamwork, but regardless, it was a good fight. Happy Holidays, and hope to see you in future events!

I'll be uploading demos of all four matches from my perspective pretty soon. I'll give instructions how to watch them.

  • Siege of Gorge; Veterans won with 2/3 victories
  • Battle of Badlands; Veterans won with 3/3 victories and 3/3 rematch victories
  • Siege of Badwater Basin; Veterans won with 2/3 victories
  • Battle of Viaduct; Veterans won with 3/3 victories

So the question remains: Would you guys like a rematch during the Awards Tourney?
You can now watch the game from my POV by loading recorded demo files into Team Fortress 2. You can download them here.

How to watch:
  • Download them from the aforementioned link.
  • Put the .dem files into your tf folder. This is usually found at Program Files > Steam > steamapps > yourusername > team fortress 2 > tf.
  • Open the console in TF2 (If you do not have it enabled, open Options, go to Keyboard, click the little Advanced button, and hit Enable developer console, then press the ` key). Type in demoui or demoui2 to open the interface.
  • Click the Load button, and find the .dem files you put into your tf folder. If it didn't work, there is probably a space in the file path, breaking the command.
  • Enjoy. With the exception of Gorge, may need to adjust the Tick number to get out of pre-game. On Badlands, it is 07:15 at Tick 29000, for instance.
  • Make fun of Stooben for freebird.dem

Few things to note to prevent confusion:
  • It is a little bit jittery because my connection is bad. Also, if it seems to freeze but still animated, that means I was lagging out. Wait a little bit and it'll resume.
  • The loadout screen or pause menu may open up randomly. This is me swapping my loadout or changing a server variable, respectively. It'll be your loadout because it doesn't sync absolutely everything.
  • The crosshair will change colors and shape sometimes because it recorded me using my scripts. Red means I'm firing my Minigun, green means it's idle. My Minigun is invisible for the same reason.
  • You can't hear my voice in Gorge, but I enable voice loopback in time for Badlands.
  • My script might bind itself to your game (i.e. changed crosshair, invisible weaponry). To fix this, download Exorcism.cfg, place it in your cfg folder found in the tf folder, then type exec exorcism in console. You'll probably have to manually fix the crosshair in Options.
i would watch them if i weren't too lazy to go through all that
but i have to launch tf2 and stuffs

you should convert them into video and upload them or something
Christian Brutal Sniper said:
but i have to launch tf2 and stuffs

you should convert them into video and upload them or something
I can't do that, but anyone who is willing to record the demo in Fraps and cut out pre-game is welcome to.
fulfill your destiny nate
Groden said:
To my surprise, it was extremely tilted towards the Veterans, with us winning 13/15 of the matches. The Challengers really should've used more teamwork, but regardless, it was a good fight.
Probably didn't help that my internet has been buggy lately, and I had almost 400 ping throughout most of the game.