First Gameboy game

Zeltrax said:
It was either Super Mario Land or Tetris.

Both were played on the original Game Boy.
Tetris came bundled with all origanial Game Boys, so it was probily Tetris if you bought your Game Boy new.
My first Gameboy game was Banjo-Pilot.
Stooben Rooben said:
Tetris, I think.
Come to think of it, it may have been Super Mario Land. I don't remember for sure.
Super Mario Advance
GB: Tetris or Dr. Mario. I was very little when I got my first GB, so I'm not sure which came first, but I'm inclined to think it was Tetris.

GBC: Super Mario Brothers Deluxe

GBA: Advance Wars
My first Game Boy games were Pokémon Red and Blue, and I got them both for Christmas with a Game Boy Pocket to play them on.
Super Mario Advance 2

Consists of Super Mario World (beat twice) and Mario Bros. (made it to Phase 22).

P.S.: Post #850!
Mario vs. Donkey Kong
Sharks Territory said:
Super Mario Advance 2

Consists of Super Mario World (beat twice) and Mario Bros. (made it to Phase 22).
Sheep Man said:
Mario vs. Donkey Kong
Those are Game Boy Advance games. >_>
I have no idea, for I had these two remakes of two classic non-Nintendo games for as far back as I can remember...

Well, as I far I can remember being four and five-years old.
"Arcade classic series" Donkey Kong
Super Mario Land 2 was my first. At least I think it is. It could have been Game and Watch Gallery 3.
My very first gameboy game (It came with the red GBC I got, which was my first game console of any kind) was NBA Jam 99 (which still works, in fact)