Pokemon X and Pokemon Y

Hm...I guess I still need to do more training then.

I almost never had the EXP Share on, because when I did I was overlevelled. I'd rather be underlevelled than overlevelled. It makes the game way too easy otherwise.
Does the Exp share give you bonus exp or something? I thought it would be like the one in Gen1 that just divides up all the exp you get, but I keep stumbling over situations in which someone (like me) was overleveled, and people asked them about the Exp share in response.
i think each pokemon in your party gets half the exp of what the pokemon in battle got

so like if you used you froakie, and he got 90 exp, the others would each get 45
or if you used both froakie and charmander, they would both get 90, and the rest would get 45

i think that's how it works, but maybe i'm wrong idk
I think it gives half the EXP to everyone in your party without dividing it. So, if you normally would have earned 2000 EXP and you got 1000 and shared 1000, it would give 1000 to everyone in your party. Which is 4000 more EXP than you would normally have gained.

argh ninja'd

I'm not sure about this but it definitely seems that way. When I played through the first time I had it off (because I didn't want any extra experience going to my HM Pokemon), and my brother's team that faced an equal or less amount of Trainers was a much higher level than my team.
Blaine said:
Does the Exp share give you bonus exp or something? I thought it would be like the one in Gen1 that just divides up all the exp you get, but I keep stumbling over situations in which someone (like me) was overleveled, and people asked them about the Exp share in response.

Everyone in your team gets 50% of the EXP. It's not divided up or anything. And whoever participates in battle gets 100%. So, yeah, it gives you more EXP than you would normally get. That's why it makes them overlevelled.
Corkscrew said:
Blaine said:
Why would that be lame?
only losers and lame people use the exp share

And I suppose only losers and lame people drive in anything but first gear, because when you drive a car, reaching your inevitable destination in a timely fashion is considered cheating?
i actually only know two people in my entire life who use automatic

do other countries only have stickshift or something?
OK, now that I've beaten the main story, I'm going to give my opinions. Rather than a review, I'm just going to split it up into things I liked and things that were disappointing.

Things I like:
The wide variety of Pokemon - seriously, there were SO many options in this game. It makes it unlikely that you have the same team as other players. It also really adds to the replay value. If I wanted to play it again, I already know I want a Ralts, because I couldn't choose it in my game because I had Fennekin as a Psychic-type already.

Pokemon-Amie - The amount of effort that went into this was astounding. They had to make 3D models for over 700 Pokemon, clearly outline places you could pet, as well as all those minigames which are actually FUN to play. Not to mention, Pokemon-Amie actually has benefits in the main game as well, so you WANT to play it. It's more than just a time-waster. Plus, it makes ANY Pokemon look adorable when you're petting it.

The quick start - I'm surprised how little hand-holding there is in the beginning of the game. They don't even TELL you the Running Shoes are on. In the first rival battle, they don't stop to tell you how the game works like in FRLG. I would have thought it would be dumbed down like other Nintendo games, but there really isn't.

Mega-Evolutions - When I saw these, I thought it was a gimmick, but it's actually a really cool idea. Not only are there a LOT more Mega-Evolutions than I thought there would be, but you get to use one in the game, even if you didn't choose the 'popular' Pokemon that happened to get them. Not to mention, besides Mega Charizard X, none of them look overly stupid because of their 'badass' factor.

Length - This game is a lot longer than usual. Maybe it's because of all the time I wasted catching Pokemon and playing Pokemon-Amie, but I beat the Champion just under 50 hours. I WAS going slowly, but I know I took BW slowly and it didn't take me that long to beat the game.

The new Pokemon - I normally don't care for how Pokemon look, but even I admit a lot of Gen 5 Pokemon were ugly. In Gen 6, they DEFINITELY chose quality over quantity. There were only a few new Pokemon, but they were ALL cool and almost all of them were usable (besides, like, Bunnelby). While I didn't use ALL Gen 6 Pokemon, 4/6 from my team were from Gen 6. And I loved all of them.

The Story/Characters - I think the problem with the story was there were too many characters, and thus no one got enough focus. After all, we have 4 rivals, not 1 or 2, and they try to develop them at least a little bit. Isn't it weird you only fight Shauna twice, once at the beginning of the game, and once at the end? Heck, we only battle Trevor once! But that made sense story-wise, so it's not a big deal.

As for Team Flare and AZ, they really get the short end of the stick when it comes to screentime. We get NO time for these characters (Lysandre and AZ) to develop. We barely even KNOW who they are before all the reveals start happening. AZ is obviously an attempt at another tragic figure like N, but we only meet him ONCE in passing before the climax. Think about how many times we see and talk to N and even Ghetsis before the end of BW. Most of the Champions get more screentime in the game than AZ does in XY. And speaking of Champions, Diantha gets next to no screentime. Even less than Iris in BW2, I think.

Other wasted characters? The gym leaders. Remember how in Gen 5, the gym leaders actually DID stuff in the plot, making you feel like they were actually authorities and important people? That didn't happen in this game at all. I barely even remember the gym leaders, and many of them like Olympia and Ramon, felt very bland and simply there because they needed 8 gym leaders. Not to mention their personalities ranged from non-existent to cliche.

Difficulty - Unfortunately, XY took one thing I hated about Gen 5, which was giving the gym leaders a max of 3 Pokemon, and the Elite Four only get 4 Pokemon. Why? The gym leaders in this game where a complete joke. And I wasn't even overlevelled. And that's the main problem. With the new EXP share mechanics, it's SO easy to be overlevelled to the point that the entire game is a joke. I kept it off 95% of the time, because I saw how easy it made the game.

Music - OK, a lot of the music in XY is really good like Lumiose City, or the Champion music, or the Legendary music. But the two music pieces I was most interested in, the Gym Leader theme and the Team Flare theme, were really disappointing. They seemed to take a more atmospheric approach to these themes, with less memorable melodies and more accompaniment. Also, they got rid of the 'last Pokemon' remix of the main Pokemon theme in the Gym Leader battles, which really confused me.

Sorry for the tl;dr, but that's pretty much all of my opinions into one post.
What I mainly didn't like about the plot was that Team Flare's plans would have completely fallen apart if the game didn't force you to be a complete idiot at times. I really hate how it didn't even really matter when you beat someone. Battling Lysandre for the first time comes to mind. He fights you as soon as you enter the hidden area in his café and when you win he just walks away.

That makes no sense whatsoever. I mean think about it. You have a team of powerful monsters at your command and all that's stopping you from cutting him into ribbons is the fact that he has such a team as well. But once that team is dealt with, he has no protection anymore. He should be at your mercy. The notion that he gets to nonchalantly walk around after that, acting all smug while you can't do anything to stop him is ridiculous. I mean if you don't want him to be disposed of as a villain right there, at least come up with some sort of semi realistic justification for his ability to escape. Have him stall you somehow, idk. Send out a bunch of grunts, anything but doing nothing at all while relegating my character to a vegetable.

The by far biggest example of plot-induced stupidity is at the end of the café hideout in Lumious City. You defeat the boss who kinda looks like he's trying to cosplay as Blaine but forgot what he looked like, but again they somehow manage to defy all reason and make demands, despite not being in any position to do that. They then force you to press a button, which again you would have to be an idiot to press a button just because a clearly evil scientist bent on the destruction of the whole country told you to. But instead of the logical thing happening and your character being like "Man screw your button, I'm turning you in to the authorities, or into shish kebab if you don't stop making demands", the game won't let you progress until you fulfilled your moron quota for the day and pressed the button, without anything really forcing you plot-wise. And oh surprise, you defeated everyone in charge, but the big evil plan gets put into motion anyway because you're playing as a potato and really everything you did was pointless anyway.

Another thing I didn't like happened in the Geosenge hideout place. You meet up with your neighbor and Shauna, and you encounter a locked door that is secured with a code mechanism of sorts. Now Shauna notes that such a door is esentially an advanced form of a puzzle, and it has been established before that she is really into puzzles and considers herself to be good at them. They could have given her some time to shine here, using her puzzle-solving skills to save the day and prove that while she might be a ditz, she has some serious skills of her own. But instead of being allowed to fix the problem with her own abilities, she uses a puzzle solving machine that some guy built for her because ha ha ha you thought you'd get character development, Shauna? Well screw you! She then receives praise that amounts to: "You have proven you are able to carry an item, Shauna. Good job." Seeing her character wasted like that was really disappointing.

I guess there is also another instance of forced stupidity in that you, as the player, can most likely see Lysandre being evil coming from a mile away, but can't do anything about it. Now this instance I give a pass because it makes SOME amount of sense. Lysandre is a very influental, respected person, and if a random shmuck tried to walk up to someone and tell them the well-liked and famous president of the telephone company is secretly evil, they'd get laughed at. It would be nice to have a scene like that actually in the game, but oh well.

Now all of that said I actually like the game. It makes some nice additions to the formula, the music is decent, it has Furfrou decent new mons with cool designs and performance, the battles are now gorgeous, the professor is ultra fancy, and despite of how underdeveloped most of the characters are, the ending is actually kind of cute. It's just that the plot is struggling to keep up with the other improvements, and it shows in places.

I think someone from my friend list just challenged me to a battle, but I ran into a wild Pokémon battle right as the message came up and it terminated it. So I'm sorry if that caused any inconveniences.
Does anyone need a Ditto for whatever reason? I vaguely heard somewhere that breeding international Pokémon increases your chance of getting shinies, but I don't know the specifics and I am too lazy pressed for time right now to look it up.
hey ho if anyone wants to get the benefits of my friend safari, I'm 0989-2630-4065. I have ghosts!
Smg2daisy said:
Blaine said:
I think someone from my friend list just challenged me to a battle, but I ran into a wild Pokémon battle right as the message came up and it terminated it. So I'm sorry if that caused any inconveniences.
That's me. I was just being boring after battling the Battle Chateau.

Oh, ok.

I'm sorry, I'm open to battling, but I'm probably not much of a challenge for you. I think my team got some bad IVs. Either that or I just suck, lol.

Jasmine said:
hey ho if anyone wants to get the benefits of my friend safari, I'm 0989-2630-4065. I have ghosts!

Mine is 1864-9867-6558.

I have been informed I have dragons. I hope one of them is Kibago. I hope none of them is Seadraking.