Pokemon X and Pokemon Y

Purple Yoshi said:
Erika said:
half the time i get a dang scatterbug
motha*bleep*in scatterbug
seriously what is with people and that piece of *bleep* scatterbug
one time i traded like an eevee for a scatterbug and then the scatterbug for another and the chain continued for like 2 straight trades
ended up with a whiscash which is ok

Still, though, Scatterbug can be cool, if you evolve it into Vivillon and it has a different pattern. Unfortunately, if you don't have a Vivillon Friend Safari, the only way you can get them is by catching scatterbugs and evolving them. Maybe they WERE trying to be nice that way.
oh wow i didnt even know that
man vivilion has like a hunid diffrent forms god damn
its also pokemon #666
is this a sign

Smaug said:
Traded an Eevee? I don't even.
you can catch them in the wild anyway but i think theyre rare so w.e
new patch is out

rip instacheck
I've gotten like three Eevees and one had Pokerus which was glorious so Wonder Trade hasn't been all bad.
it's not hard to breed in egg moves to eevee

like every pokemon in the field group, all you have to do is teach a male smeargle the move and then breed them

and you can easily teach smeargle any move one of your pokemon learns by going to restaurant le nah, doing a double battle, and then using sketch on your ally as they use the move you want smeargle to learn

this is how i bred wish into my eevee
dammit javs stop trying to take away from my gift

at any rate it's work i don't need to put any effort into, so i'm content.
i could probably make a couple hundred omelets with all the egg rejects i have

on an unrelated note, anyone happen to have a hidden ability gible?
oh neat, let me know if you're willing to part with one.

by the way i don't think i ever gave you that pumpkaboo, did you still need it? i posted my fc but i think it got buried in whatever the hell discussion was going on at the moment.
I must've hatched a couple hundred Eevee eggs before I just gave up.

Let me know if there's anything else you'd like in exchange though, I might have it.
You know, I would like to have a Charizardite X, but I doubt that anyone would want to part ways with their own mega stones; I own the Y version, and as such, have the Charizardite Y. It sucks knowing that you need the X version to get that mega stone, and yet you only own one 3DS system.

I guess I'm only bringing this up, because of a Dragon Dance Charizard that I recently raised in my White 2 game.
Dr. Javelin said:
...out of EEVEE?!?

[me=Grand Marshal Jackson Noir]declares war on RUAI to protect the helpless Eevee[/me]

more human(e) than killing them and getting nothing else out of it other than saving the poke-world from overpopulation of discarded, helpless, maltreated, malnourished eevee. :/ *shrug*
MnSG said:
You know, I would like to have a Charizardite X, but I doubt that anyone would want to part ways with their own mega stones; I own the Y version, and as such, have the Charizardite Y. It sucks knowing that you need the X version to get that mega stone, and yet you only own one 3DS system.

I guess I'm only bringing this up, because of a Dragon Dance Charizard that I recently raised in my White 2 game.

You could get X and use Pokémon Bank. That's what I'll eventually do.
Just as a heads up, you can't transfer ANY of your 5th generation items to Pokemon Bank. This basically means that you'll have to get hold of the battle items and damage-reducing berries all over again.
So I unintentionally pressed both the L and R button while Super Training.

My Espurr put up a shield that blocked some shots. My mind was blown.

EDIT: Oh my, someone just told me the D-pad lets you move closer to the bot. Good grief I'm learning the everything today.
Glaceon said:
So I unintentionally pressed both the L and R button while Super Training.

My Espurr put up a shield that blocked some shots. My mind was blown.

EDIT: Oh my, someone just told me the D-pad lets you move closer to the bot. Good grief I'm learning the everything today.

I did not know either of those things.


EDIT - While I'm here...

How does one interact with your Pokemon in Poke-Amie using facial expressions? I've been wanting to try that stuff, but for some reason I am unable to figure that out...
Deku Link said:
Glaceon said:
So I unintentionally pressed both the L and R button while Super Training.

My Espurr put up a shield that blocked some shots. My mind was blown.

EDIT: Oh my, someone just told me the D-pad lets you move closer to the bot. Good grief I'm learning the everything today.

I did not know either of those things.


EDIT - While I'm here...

How does one interact with your Pokemon in Poke-Amie using facial expressions? I've been wanting to try that stuff, but for some reason I am unable to figure that out...

I generally tilt my head to the side a few times and watch my Pokemon copy me, and then it goes to the minigame automatically. You need to make sure the face icon is showing up, though. That means it's registering your face.

The minigame doesn't really work properly, though. The facial detection is a little off.