Pokemon X and Pokemon Y

The Nutcrackin355 said:
santanoice said:
Hey Nintendo, you do realise you could just make an AWS account and spin up some new servers within seconds, right?

I think they're trying to find a way to stop people from getting 'illegal' Pokemon on there.

Some people managed to already apparently before it went down.

This will make you wonder how far the legal checker will go. An Incarnate Forme Landorus with Sheer Force will be considered illegal if it was not transferred from the Pokemon Dream Radar, so I'm guessing the legal checker will also keep an eye on the trainer memo information.
Got the game today.


Luigi the Chespin
Level 8
HP 15/28
Att 15
Def 16
Sp. A 13
Sp. D 13
Spd 10
To next lv. 1 EXP
Loves to eat

Vine Whip
I got a level 99 espeon in trade O_O
My current team:
Delphox (Eren) lv 38
Blastoise (Haru) lv 37
Hawlucha (Mikasa) lv 36
Aromatisse (Cordelia) lv 36
Doublade (Link) lv 36
Lucario (Phoenix) lv 36

Yes, I went down the fandom nicknames route
Helpful hint: Aromatissa is useless. I used one the whole game and it never earnt its place.

So I got a few Pokebank starters today. Anybody want some? I have:
- Chikorita
- Totodile
- Mudkip
- Chimchar
- Piplup
- Tepig
santanoice said:
Helpful hint: Aromatissa is useless. I used one the whole game and it never earnt its place.

It doesn't exactly help knowing that Aromatisse's speed is quite poor, and its special attack power is only around average at best.
I managed to get my hands on a sylveon with increased sp. Attack mow instead
I want to eventually get a Xerneas as my main fairy type but it will have to be through trade as my brother got X before so I had to get Y.
santanoice said:
Helpful hint: Aromatissa is useless. I used one the whole game and it never earnt its place.

So I got a few Pokebank starters today. Anybody want some? I have:
- Chikorita
- Totodile
- Mudkip
- Chimchar
- Piplup
- Tepig

Could I have the Chikorita, Chimchar and Piplup? And is there anything you want for them? I've caught probably every Pokémon up to Route 18 with the exception of Shuckle.
Glaceon said:
santanoice said:
Helpful hint: Aromatissa is useless. I used one the whole game and it never earnt its place.

So I got a few Pokebank starters today. Anybody want some? I have:
- Chikorita
- Totodile
- Mudkip
- Chimchar
- Piplup
- Tepig

Could I have the Chikorita, Chimchar and Piplup? And is there anything you want for them? I've caught probably every Pokémon up to Route 18 with the exception of Shuckle.

X exclusives, other stuff from Pokemon Bank, and anything with good IVs.

If not, just get me anything, I'm not too fussed.

Also what's your FC? Mine is 3823 8538 5328.

Phantom L said:
santanoice said:
Helpful hint: Aromatissa is useless. I used one the whole game and it never earnt its place.
It's just a placeholder until I get a better fairy type, really.
I've got heaps of Togepi eggs of you want one. Togekiss is a beast and probably the best non-uber fairy, apart from maybe Mega Gardevoir but at least it saves you a Mega Evolution for something better.
I'm ok for now
Anyway: can any of you trade me a dusk stone for my duoblade (its learned sacred sword) just trade it to me with a real shitty pokemon if you want.
Phantom L said:
I'm ok for now
Anyway: can any of you trade me a dusk stone for my duoblade (its learned sacred sword) just trade it to me with a real *bleep*ty pokemon if you want.

So I went to check my bag a couple of minutes ago, and apparently I had a Dusk Stone picking up dust in my bag for who knows how long with a few other stones. You can have it if you still need one, I currently have no use for it.