Far-Fetched Suggestions for the next SSB Game...

Lario said:
Toadbert101 said:
So what does that have to do with this topic?
The fact it's a SSB, like this made-up one.

AT - :dk:

It says "No Mod abuse here..." and nothing else happens...

Then CN comes and kills the smiley
AT - :peach:

It grows and grows and grows, knocking some guys off the stage.
Toadbert101 said:
Lario said:
AT - Rick Roll

'Nuff said.

Everyone else gets a power up due to the anger being Rick Rolled, so its not a good Trophy for the person who grabbed it.

However, it makes them very reckless, making it easy for them to fall off the stage when running...
Hey guys!


If you do, I'll post a new idea, and i'll give you cookies.
AT - no u

It freezes everbody, and then nags them about what they did.
The only way to get free is to Wario Waft.
It doesn't appear unless Wario is fighting.
Stage - Wikipedia

A VERY hard and huge (And I mean HUGE.) stage to fight in. Don't destroy the articles or else some guy will come and ban you!
Lario said:
Stage - Wikipedia

A VERY hard and huge (And I mean HUGE.) stage to fight in. Don't destroy the articles or else some guy will come and ban you!
That's better than Mr. Yellow's version.
AT - Giga Living Donut

A giant donut that is alive...

It attacks by eating people! RUN!

You have to be a gluttonous character like Kirby or Homer Simpson to counter attack this... A bit.
Lario said:
AT - Giga Living Donut

A giant donut that is alive...

It attacks by eating people! RUN!

You have to be a gluttonous character like Kirby or Homer Simpson to counter attack this... A bit.
Kirby's not fat he's just realy puffy, it's not fat that makes him fat looking, it's just because he's got alot of air in him, and since he can't fart to get it out like regular people, he keeps the air in his mouth, making him look fat.
Nerdy Guy said:
Lario said:
AT - Giga Living Donut

A giant donut that is alive...

It attacks by eating people! RUN!

You have to be a gluttonous character like Kirby or Homer Simpson to counter attack this... A bit.
Kirby's not fat he's just realy puffy, it's not fat that makes him fat looking, it's just because he's got alot of air in him, and since he can't fart to get it out like regular people, he keeps the air in his mouth, making him look fat.

He never said fat, he just said gluttony.
Smiddle said:
Nerdy Guy said:
Lario said:
AT - Giga Living Donut

A giant donut that is alive...

It attacks by eating people! RUN!

You have to be a gluttonous character like Kirby or Homer Simpson to counter attack this... A bit.
Kirby's not fat he's just realy puffy, it's not fat that makes him fat looking, it's just because he's got alot of air in him, and since he can't fart to get it out like regular people, he keeps the air in his mouth, making him look fat.

He never said fat, he just said gluttony.
glutton = fat guy
No, a glutton is a guy who loves to eat.

My friend is a total glutton, and he's thin as a rail.
Nerdy Guy said:
Smiddle said:
Nerdy Guy said:
Lario said:
AT - Giga Living Donut

A giant donut that is alive...

It attacks by eating people! RUN!

You have to be a gluttonous character like Kirby or Homer Simpson to counter attack this... A bit.
Kirby's not fat he's just realy puffy, it's not fat that makes him fat looking, it's just because he's got alot of air in him, and since he can't fart to get it out like regular people, he keeps the air in his mouth, making him look fat.

He never said fat, he just said gluttony.
glutton = fat guy

A glutton is, as ShyGuy27 says, someone who loves to eat. You don't have to be fat just because you love to eat.