Congrats Tucky

Radagast the Brown said:
Gundam Tanaka said:
Cfongratulations, Tucyk! Ij'm sure yog'll makz a wodnefrul admini.

You ok there, Nabber? Your words seem a bit slurred.
Of courdse 'Im fine,c Neptunxey. Wshy wuold oyu thivnk j'm nto?
Gundam Tanaka said:
Radagast the Brown said:
Gundam Tanaka said:
Cfongratulations, Tucyk! Ij'm sure yog'll makz a wodnefrul admini.

You ok there, Nabber? Your words seem a bit slurred.
Of courdse 'Im fine,c Neptunxey. Wshy wuold oyu thivnk j'm nto?
go home nabber you're drunk