Mario Kart 8 / Mario Kart 8 Deluxe

Re: Mario Kart 8

FawfulTheSnowman said:
Those were all giant versions of the racer though

Goombas looked pretty damn huge as obstacles too

But with the little playable attention they get, I won't hold my breath for a Goomba.
Re: Mario Kart 8

God, this game needs to come out now so that the full roster can come out and we don't have to hear FTG64 being like "There BETTER be [insert character that has a .00000001% chance of ever making it in]."

I'm sorry, but - whether or not they are unique and interesting - have a very slim to none chance of even making a cameo in the game.
Re: Mario Kart 8

Deku Link said:
God, this game needs to come out now so that the full roster can come out and we don't have to hear FTG64 being like "There BETTER be [insert character that has a .00000001% chance of ever making it in]."

I'm sorry, but - whether or not they are unique and interesting - have a very slim to none chance of even making a cameo in the game.

Look, you stop responding to him too. It will only urge him to counter back.

Stop arguing. Please.
Re: Mario Kart 8

Am I the only one who still stays hopeful for my favorite characters to appear in a game like MK, or am I just the only one whose favorite characters are neglected so much

also I'll stop arguing when everyone else does

Jesus Christ, you guys act like I'm some kind of troll.
Re: Mario Kart 8

FawfulTheSnowman said:
Jesus Christ, you guys act like I'm some kind of troll.

The term "troll" is thrown around so much these days that it kinda lost meaning.

I don't think you're a troll, but you (and others) are arguing over something freaking trivial as this

And no, don't give me the "I'll stop when everyone else does", you stop because you know it's the right thing to do
Re: Mario Kart 8

All I said was that I would prefer a notable Goomba instead of a generic one. Sorry if I can't state my opinion without everyone acting like it's the devil

I'll just go back to arguing with the biased people of Gamefaqs, then.
Re: Mario Kart 8

FawfulTheSnowman said:
Sorry if I can't state my opinion without everyone acting like it's the devil

We're ok with opinions

We're NOT ok with opinions being stated over and over again with some obnoxious overtones in it.
Re: Mario Kart 8

Yeah, I've definitely been throwing that opinion around like hell for the past few weeks.

...Except I've barely even mentioned it until now
Re: Mario Kart 8

Well, it still feels like yesterday, IMO.

What's the point of arguing with some people in GFAQs? You know they can't argue worth a *bleep* and besides, my sister occupies that lair. My sister's the one being hostile right now, though.
Re: Mario Kart 8

FawfulTheSnowman said:
Yeah, I've definitely been throwing that opinion around like hell for the past few weeks.

...Except I've barely even mentioned it until now

Have you heard the saying, "china and reputation are easily shattered and never well-mended"?
Re: Mario Kart 8

Everyone has heard it, Baby Luidiot.

Now, I've just said earlier about "it feels like yesterday, in my opinion". What are those black things in your face, Baby Luigi? Eyes or empty holes?

I'd say that RPGs are niche characters. You know what "niche" is, correct?
Re: Mario Kart 8

Mario's Drunken Holiday Special said:
Now, I've just said earlier about "it feels like yesterday, in my opinion". What are those black things in your face, Baby Luigi? Eyes or empty holes?

WTF does that have to do with anything

you could also ask Toad, Wiggler, Boo, Bowser Jr., Baby Mario, Ness, Ice Climbers, Pikachu, etc the same question
Re: Mario Kart 8

Because you said some crap about "china and reputation" or whatever Donkey Kong barf, so it seems that you have overlooked my post.

Except those have actual eyes, unlike you, Ms. Eye-Tattoo Face
Re: Mario Kart 8


you did that just to get my attention, did you?
Re: Mario Kart 8

Anything can get your attention. Just watch.



You should be glad that your precious Baby Luigi isn't a niche deadend like Fawful or any Paper Mario-exclusive character. And I should be glad that Mario is better than both of them.
Re: Mario Kart 8

Mario's Drunken Holiday Special said:
You should be glad that your precious Baby Luigi isn't a niche deadend like Fawful or any Paper Mario-exclusive character. And I should be glad that Mario is better than both of them.

Baby Luigi didn't star in Mario is Missing, nor Hotel Mario therefore Baby Luigi wins by default
Re: Mario Kart 8

Baby Luigi also didn't star in Melee, Mario Strikers, and didn't even get a cameo in Rayman Legends. Mario wins by default.
Re: Mario Kart 8

Mario's Drunken Holiday Special said:
Baby Luigi also didn't star in Melee, Mario Strikers, and didn't even get a cameo in Rayman Legends. Mario wins by default.

No you just don't get it. Three atrocities will never outmatch all of the stuff Mario is in
Re: Mario Kart 8

You don't get it either. And besides, that's not Mario in those games, but some wretched creepy wannabe that called himself "Mario".

Mario is also the most talkative Mario character and it's often him that gets to speak at Comic Con. Mario also has more artwork and a sexy 'stache so he is better than that horrid creature you call Baby Luigi.
Re: Mario Kart 8

Well, Baby Luigi is the cuter one so he wins....

Come on, why can't we both play as them and kill Wario instead of arguing like this?
Re: Mario Kart 8

Baby Luigi said:
Well, Baby Luigi is the cuter one so he wins....

Come on, why can't we both play as them and kill Wario instead of arguing like this?

We can do that, but Mario is still way cuter than Baby Luigi. Too bad Wario out-cutes both of them.
Re: Mario Kart 8

:wario: > :mario: > :babyluigi: