Guys I need a decent team to face against the elite four and a movesets for them

work up
hold item: leftovers

Not much to use for Umbreon, its offenses suck and doesnt have a good recovery move, unless sun is out but you need work up to boost its offenses, toxic for quicker ko potential.

Moonlight is an option but psychic can nail fighters but more than likely though umbreon wont be able to get enough boosts fast enough to survive. Return is nice too if you have max happiness, which you should anyway, useful for hitting things that resist payback. You could use sub in place of toxic though for some more survival and get some more work up boosts.

Left over for recovery in general since umbreon will certainly need it, especially if you arent using moonlight, also helps with sub.

now that i think about not sure if you're doing the first fight with the e4 or the rematch.

So not sure if all these moves are available at the first fight.
Black 2? Hmm, I don't know about what Pokemon they have in Black 2.

If you don't know about Audino-grinding, you could do that and just overlevel your Pokemon until they're guaranteed to win. Or did Game Freak nerf Audinogrinding in Black and White 2?

I don't know, tbh.
Dr. Javelin said:
Black 2? Hmm, I don't know about what Pokemon they have in Black 2.

If you don't know about Audino-grinding, you could do that and just overlevel your Pokemon until they're guaranteed to win. Or did Game Freak nerf Audinogrinding in Black and White 2?

I don't know, tbh.

its pretty much the same as ever, at least for audio grinding.
Ah, thank you.

In that case, I would suggest simply biking back and forth past some grass until Audino appears, then facing it with a Pokemon holding the Lucky Egg. Repeat until overleveled.
Black 2? That's easy!

All you need is someone with Ice Beam with reasonable Sp. Atk, a Psychic type who isn't weak to rock, and a fighting type.

Although Umbreon doesn't have that much attack....

Why are you asking now? It's not like you could have gotten through the entire game up to this point with no good Pokemon.
>building a team specifically for the elite four instead of using pokebros.
bitch get on my level.

(i'm sorry fe, you arnt a butch, hugs?)
Brock said:
>building a team specifically for the elite four instead of using pokebros.
bitch get on my level.

(i'm sorry fe, you arnt a butch, hugs?)


but the dragon type gym is really annoying me.

(no prob brockop *hugs*)
Full team of eevees, go!
Brock said:
Full team of eevees, go!


I'll consider that.

it'll be hilarious to watch the elite four fall down to cute widdle eevees.
Fennekin said:
Brock said:
>building a team specifically for the elite four instead of using pokebros.
bitch get on my level.

(i'm sorry fe, you arnt a butch, hugs?)


but the dragon type gym is really annoying me.

(no prob brockop *hugs*)

Vaporeon with ice beam helped me out a lot against Iris.
dragon gym was pretty easy, if that gave you trouble then it'll be hell against Iris.
Samus Aran said:
dragon gym was pretty easy, if that gave you trouble then it'll be hell against Iris.
I doubt that once I get cryogonal or beartic.

or a fast pokemon that can KO dragon types with ice type attacks.
Fennekin said:
Samus Aran said:
dragon gym was pretty easy, if that gave you trouble then it'll be hell against Iris.
I doubt that once I get cryogonal or beartic.

or a fast pokemon that can KO dragon types with ice type attacks.

Doesn't really need to be fast, just using ice type attacks worked for me. Of course, going first still helps. Go tutor a Pokemon Ice Punch or something.
Fennekin said:
Samus Aran said:
dragon gym was pretty easy, if that gave you trouble then it'll be hell against Iris.
I doubt that once I get cryogonal or beartic.

or a fast pokemon that can KO dragon types with ice type attacks.

considering she has a rock/flying type and steel/rock type, have fun with that.

I didn't even use ice or dragon types either and it was still an easy gym.

Doesn't really need to be fast, just using ice type attacks worked for me. Of course, going first still helps. Go tutor a Pokemon Ice Punch or something.

or get a sneasel and evolve it into weavile.

It's pretty much the definition of dragon killer.

Then again idk where you get the razor claw.
skip drayden gym.

I beat his gym with jellicent but when I got to drayden, blizzard had to miss twice and druddigon killed it.

flygon was easy to kill thought.

but the hardest part was haxorus.... I beat him with umbreon tho.