Glow command not working?


Shine Sprite
Pardon me if I'm late, but why isn't the glow command working?

I'm talking about this:


When put onto a message, the selected text doesn't glow at all.


Was the functionality of "glow text" removed or something?

EDIT: Also I just realized I should have put this in Help Desk ;_; Sorry
It... seems to be working on my screen.
Glow works here too

What browsers are you guys using?
I can confirm it works for Firefox
I'm using Firefox too and it's not showing for me... *sigh* Must be a problem on my end then. Nevermind everybody ;_;
What browser are you using?
I can see the glow.
Time Turner said:
Using Chrome here too.

Does anyone actually use Internet Explorer?
I'm using Internet explorer right now and I don't see any glow.
I use Safari, and it just looks like maroon bold text to me.
I'm getting a feeling this is another Moofle joke, but for the record, I see it fine.
I can't see it glowing. Here's a screenshot
