Your current mood.

Slightly annoyed. My computer decided to restart itself during my game and now its taking forever to boot up.
Mr. Grumpy said:
I've recorded each at least a paragraph of notes on most users, detailing personality and unique traits.
post pls
Slightly pissed, there was meant to be a massive storm where I live and I was right in the severe zone, an nothing happened
Punny, although that doesn't say much since I'm pretty much like that all the time, so I'll also say I'm bored of doing homework that was piled on to me on the last day of school last half-term of all days. We didn't get any homework until Friday, and that makes me kind of annoyed because I would've done it all at school if I got the chance to.
Mr. Grumpy said:
I'm not going to post anymore because some may come across as malicious.
Incredibly irritated my mom is snoring in the living room
Happy because it's friday
When I woke up this morning I thought it was Saturday and my mom came to tell me to get ready for school
I felt so angry
Slightly annoyed because I fell asleep for four hours earlier and have to do what I would've done then now, in the middle of the night. So I'm basically getting three hours of sleep between my estimated time of finishing my stuffs and then, I'm hoping.