Your current mood.

Still bored and sleepy.

And also kind of in pain. My neck hurts.

I'm also hungry
I'm happy. The jacket I bought looks really good on me. I also got 14/15 in chemistry. I also defeated Mom, and I've unlocked the Harbingers. I'm currently fighting Famine. The game's pretty interesting in the religious aspect, as I've learned about the Horsemen of the Apocalypse, and of the Seven Sins.
Morbidly depressed.
despite the fact that it is monday, i feel pretty good.

I guess no signs of seizures atm is a big relief and the fact that i actually have my sleep apnea machine also helps, even though it will take awhile getting used to it but still.

Now i wish my mom or my brother would play some halo 2 with me and then this day will be set.
Slightly pissed
Bored as hell and minorly depressed.
Extremely pissed and also extremely depressed.

I can't even sing, it's that bad. Normally when I sing it helps me calm down, yet I really do seem to have a Soundless Voice right now...

Also I'm just content right now. Reading creepypastas and watching the Alice of Human Sacrifice in my room in the dark is the PERFECT way to get a light spook. ^_^
Bored, and also in what I call my "cuddly" mood.
Mostly neutral, but my hand hurts for some reason so I guess you could say "in pain".
Extremely pissed off because of the TV missing the picture cable, despite the fact nothing on it has been touched :mad:
Kind of annoyed because I fell asleep for about four hours against my will a while ago, and lost a whole bunch of time.