Your current mood.

Tired. I got told I looked stoned today. I always knew I probably looked that way, but damn I'm always too tired to give a fuck.

I either need to get better sleep or the problem is something else. Constantly being tired/dizzy is annoying.
Headless Specter said:
Happy and sad.

Happy because my central heating was fixed so I can now have warm showers and not feel like I'm freezing to death in my own home.
Sad because my mum fixed it and that means we don't have to call out our plumber who is kinda cute.

I know how that feels.
My current mood is "yo these birds need to shut up and get out my face because i'm trying to sleep and all they do is cheep, if i wanna hear your whack-ass shit i'd go to a fucking zoo but no i'm in bed so shoo"
Morty said:
My current mood is "yo these birds need to shut up and get out my face because i'm trying to sleep and all they do is cheep, if i wanna hear your whack-ass shit i'd go to a fucking zoo but no i'm in bed so shoo"
let me guess... Happy?
Definitely not an RPG mood because my 3DS died while I was playing IE3 and I was setback about four hours. Serves me right for not saving, but I could've sworn my 3DS charger was properly plugged in.
my mood is....

ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ VICTORY RIOT ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ
still tired, mainly due to not sleeping at all within a 24 hour period.

Otherwise though im feeling good, but it seems my game mood is dying after spending 239 hours playing champions online.
in a good mood

plus this sandwich is delicious so that makes it better
Pretty pissed off. Trying to scan something onto my computer, my scanner is refusing to do so as apparently nothing is connected to it, even though it's scanned to my computer before. And when I looked online, apparently my printer doesn't actually exist as it's not on the website