Your current mood.

Maki Nishikino said:
How much *bleep*ing homework do you have? Sounds like they gave you a textbook and said 'complete the entire thing'.

Like I have holiday homework but I can only imagine that it wouldn't take longer than a week if I started it now.
Roughly eight pieces (not counting the load of RE homework we were given), on top of revision for four or five subjects' exams next week and some English coursework we need to redraft that's also due next week.

That said, it's near the end of this term so I guess they would choose to swarm us at this time, though it still sucks.

Bored, still working on the aforementioned school work.
Depressed. Last night I had a crying fit which woke my mom up.

The dog got inside and my mom started yelling at it to get outside. She woke up everyone in the house and when I called her out on it she just said 'bad luck'.

Like reeeeaaalllly, do you have to be such a bitch when you're the one in the wrong?
Incredibly pissed off. BBC iPlayer has now crashed 4 times in the 40 minute show that I'm watching.

EDIT: Now it's 5 times -_-
Great, and now that I've have had to reload it, it reloads itself and then breaks. I am past the point of wanting to kill someone.

EDIT: And now's it's number 6. I will have died from natural causes before it ends.
I watched Melee on Twitch all day and played Mario Party all night.

Also Westballz won the tourney so that's even better
༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ GIVE WESTBALLZ YOUR ENERGY ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

So I'm in a good mood because of that.
Maki Nishikino said:

The dog got inside and my mom started yelling at it to get outside. She woke up everyone in the house and when I called her out on it she just said 'bad luck'.

Like reeeeaaalllly, do you have to be such a *bleep* when you're the one in the wrong?
I'll bet your mom is stalking you on this forum, waiting to ground your head off.
I haven't been feeling any emotion for the past 5 days, and nothing's happening that should normally be causing this.

I hate being bullied by that group of girls. Too bad they heard when I told the teacher about it and am making our (my friends and I) lives a living hell.
Tired and kinda eh because I have to finish an essay, redo a presentation and read a bunch all for tomorrow.

Despite this, part of me still feels really good about that English coursework I sent in. So A*, I've never been this pleased over work before. And the funny thing is I did the last third in the middle of the night and it was still eminently powerful, my nocturnal work ethic is too effective.

Fat Mario said:
Maki Nishikino said:

The dog got inside and my mom started yelling at it to get outside. She woke up everyone in the house and when I called her out on it she just said 'bad luck'.

Like reeeeaaalllly, do you have to be such a *bleep* when you're the one in the wrong?
I'll bet your mom is stalking you on this forum, waiting to ground your head off.
Then you lose this bet.
feeling sleeepy
im not sure whats wrong with me but my entire body feels cold and so weak

ive had plenty of sleep though and the temp in the house is pretty high, i think im gonna come down with that crap i had like 10 years ago.