Your current mood.

Toy Chica said:
I play ACNL to cope, honestly

well thats a good step in the right direction at least.

I created quite a few just incase one or some fail though.
Gardevoir said:
Toy Chica said:
I play ACNL to cope, honestly

well thats a good step in the right direction at least.

I created quite a few just incase one or some fail though.
The villagers arent out to get me except maybe rocket she moved in the middle of my path, i remade my town later, and she moved in AGAIN

I do write, that can also be an outlet. Thank you for your suggestions, I really appreciate it!
Toy Chica said:
Gardevoir said:
Toy Chica said:
I play ACNL to cope, honestly

well thats a good step in the right direction at least.

I created quite a few just incase one or some fail though.
The villagers arent out to get me except maybe rocket she moved in the middle of my path, i remade my town later, and she moved in AGAIN

I do write, that can also be an outlet. Thank you for your suggestions, I really appreciate it!

No problem, always in the mood to help someone who has the same issues
Very tired. I'm about to go to sleep.
Maki Nishikino said:
What song is that from?
it's not a song

it was just the world of blood ((not a song or artist)), I took an advil and I'm fine now

No, but it's a card:


My mood is okay I guess, but my nose is on the run and it has yet to be apprehended. Not a fun time, especially when you have several tests next week to deal with as well.
Incredibly tired, but I can't even go to sleep because I have a ton of work to do.

I also still feel distraught from that English speech today, somehow I did far worse the second time and that's only the first of many hurdles this final week. This is going to be rough.
I'm bitter sweet

I finally used my debit card to buy things I want online, though it's blind-packaged so I'm anticipating it greatly

But my dad HAD to ----ing start ----ing smoking again and that pisses me off to no end
Freaking terrible.

Baby Luigi said:
I'm bitter sweet

I finally used my debit card to buy things I want online, though it's blind-packaged so I'm anticipating it greatly

But my dad HAD to ----ing start ----ing smoking again and that pisses me off to no end
And we just told him about how unhappy we are, and what does he do? He starts attacking us ad homineum by saying, "What do YOU do to me to make me happy?" "And you don't do anything for our family by not doing any household chores and you just go right to the computer when you wake up and right when you return from school" and he accuses me of being selfish and that I think the world centers around me. I told him that I don't like his smoking because it endangers his and our family's health and wastes our money and he then thinks I'm full of bull*bleep*.

I am THIS close to telling him that he's an insufferable asshole needs all those cigarette butts he's smoking shoved up his ass.
Sister, you know that people who smoke like him replaced their "response" part of their brain with "impotent rage" if you dare criticize their smoking habits

and also, he says he's well aware about the dangers and that he's smoking because he's also "pissed off". which y'know, smoking will most likely aggravate whatever problems than actually solve anything.
I feel for ya. My parents smoke almost constantly when they're home and awake. The whole first floor is always freezing cold, and opening the window doesn't even stop half the house from smelling like smoke. Whenever my brother or I complain, they get all defensive and even righteous: we gave up trying to convince them to quit and save their health and money long ago.

But right now I'm happy because the stupid TA strike at my University is over. Yay! I can finally return to teaching the avian biology class I love to all my wonderful students (although technically all that's left is the test, but I'm still glad I'll be there to help run it, and maybe my prof will remember that he asked me to give a little talk during the lecture time about bird research before the strike started...).
great to share some thoughts about this with us, i'm glad that misery loves company :P
