Your current mood.

I can't even really describe my current mood.

I pretty much feel like utter crap; I feel depressed and really sad, and I feel like I want to cry and scream, but I literally can't even speak or make a sound, and no tears will come out.

I'm pretty much sulking in bed in the dark, and people who know me well enough know that if I'm sulking like that, then something's wrong

Also, I have no clue why I'm suddenly like this,
feelin meh right now

though my emotions have really been fluctuating today
Rin Kagamine said:
I can't even really describe my current mood.

I pretty much feel like utter crap; I feel depressed and really sad, and I feel like I want to cry and scream, but I literally can't even speak or make a sound, and no tears will come out.

I'm pretty much sulking in bed in the dark, and people who know me well enough know that if I'm sulking like that, then something's wrong

Also, I have no clue why I'm suddenly like this,
nnnooo :'(
I've been like that, its so awful to just be there, unable to express, unable to find relief
I have found distraction is a wonder drug, the next best medicine after love
please, watch something fun, do something happy, you can do it!
Um, Michell...that was last night...

I'm okay now, I'm the usual not-happy but not-sad type neutral
oops :-[
I had thought the time on posts was behind
I keep forgetting I actually set the correct time on here, whereas most sites I'm on give me England time
I'm tiredzzzzzzzzzz
Happy (for once in a long time).
Good, since its saturday, that's to be expected.

Plus playing bravely default for a portion of the day also helped, dat ost man.
I feel like total crap because of a recent fight/feud. Pretty much almost every negative emotion you can feel, I'm feeling right now (and I admit, it includes guilt).

i've fucking had it with stupid fucking fucked people in this fucking stupid fucked bloody damned fucking shitty planet with fucking shitfaced fucked people holy fucking shit
Right now, I wish I could just die. I shouldn't have to go through all this pain and misery (no 13 year old should). And sometimes I wish my whole life was just a nightmare and I could wake up and be happy again.
I know that feeling. I remember that I had that exact feeling almost every day in some months.

I even considered some ways to do suicide, but then I would always think about what was worth living for, which was always Mario or other games. Now it isn't that extreme, because someone/some people have convinced me otherwise and I would like to thank them.
I'm feeling a little better, meaning my wish to die is gone, but I'm still pretty depressed.

I had pushed my bookcase in front of my door a little while ago (since my mom won't get me a lock), and so I'm also too lazy to move it back (even though it's not that heavy)
not having a good day so far, mainly due to this toothache which is really painful.

I've been through worse, but its pretty bad. Might just go lay down in a few or something.
Rin Kagamine said:
I'm feeling a little better, meaning my wish to die is gone, but I'm still pretty depressed.
aaww, now I'm depressed, feel better :'(