Fire Emblem: Sacred Stones

I'm training Lute anyway, I already have replacements for Franz for this chapter so I don't need him

Joshua was a good unit but I didn't really need him. I would had been nice if kept him.
NSY said:

Chapter 5: Tries to beat: 4/5 (don't): Lost one unit at the arena and lost another at the end (Franz and Arthur)
Chapter 6: Tries to beat: 3: Quited after losing two units on first two tries, lost none third time
Chapter 7: Tries to beat: 1: Lost Joshua at end due to bad luck

So at Chapter 8, I'm 5 units down and have 9 remaining, got one at level 10 but need a crest first, almost got another at level 10 and have the right crest.

Taking Erika's route this run, should I attmpt for Amelia on chapter 9 or should I play it safe and wait.
Joshua, Arthur, and Franz are all pretty awesome units.
I promoted Joshua to assassin, Artur to Bishop, and Franz to Paladin

They're all pretty bulletproof. Though I prefer Moulder to Artur, because Moulder's stats get insane later on.
Neptune 2.0 said:
I promoted Joshua to assassin, Artur to Bishop, and Franz to Paladin

They're all pretty bulletproof. Though I prefer Moulder to Artur, because Moulder's stats get insane later on.
My Joshua died... :(
Lon'qu said:
Neptune 2.0 said:
I promoted Joshua to assassin, Artur to Bishop, and Franz to Paladin

They're all pretty bulletproof. Though I prefer Moulder to Artur, because Moulder's stats get insane later on.
My Joshua died... :(

I still have some neat units in the work, I'm working hard on Lute so I could train her into a beast.

I aim to go though chapter 8 without losing any units and getting Gillam promoted as well.
gilliam just died for me today. :'(. oh well, at least i still have people like lute, franz and arthur. franz is a great knight for me now btw
Chapter 8: Tries: 1: No units lost, Gillam promoted

God is he now overpowered, need to promote Lute and Garcia next.
aregularforumuser said:
gilliam just died for me today. :'(. oh well, at least i still have people like lute, franz and arthur. franz is a great knight for me now btw

You just lost a good unit to overpower
By the way Gillam became a General not a Great Knight.
Gah Chapter 9 is pissing me off big time
I'm on a fog level on Ephraims route which is annoying.
I have no regrets taking the 'harder route'
Ephraim is too epic to reject ;-;.
I'm also on Erika's, I went with her because I heard she had better maps and easier difficulty.

Although in Ephraim's you do get to bash the emperor but neverless I wanted to keep the same lord I had for the first chapters.

I am going to change my setup for Chap 9 because my first setup took me countless failed tries.
So guess what, I almost beat chapter 10 until suddenly I lose one of my best units
