PS4 meeting 2013


Power Star
Live stream of PlayStation 4 is this,
I could get PS4 unless steam box is better than PS4
Watchin' the stream right now, Killzone looked pretty nice.

From what I hear, it seems nice what with that sharing system and actual cross-platform stuff. Though that touch screen controller does tick me off.
was the whole used games not working on the ps4 been confirmed or not?
Not really that interested in this.

Samus Aran said:
was the whole used games not working on the ps4 been confirmed or not?

Well, it might not be able to play PS1 and PS2 games because of hardware limitations (a complete assumption there) but I can see it playing PS3 games. Speaking of which, I heard only certain PS3s have backwards compatibility; is that true? I only have a PS2, so I don't know for sure.

Gundam Tanaka said:
From what I hear, it seems nice what with that sharing system and actual cross-platform stuff. Though that touch screen controller does tick me off.

Touch screen controller? Bullcrap.

now just watch the Xbox 720 have one too
It's hard to describe with words how much sqeenix just fucking failed.
The only reasons I would get a Playstation 4 (which really, is why I didn't get a PS3) is if Spyro and Crash were on it. I miss my favorite characters.

EDIT: Also it's kinda sad what they claim is "innovative" is really just a rip off of the wii u gamepad. First Move and than this? Where is the awesomeness Sony used to have during the PS1 and PS2 days.........
Watch_Dogs is the standard by which I'll judge every next gen game showed this year. It looks awesome, plays awesome, and really seems to take advantage of every single thing the console has to offer.
Xpike said:
Watch_Dogs is the standard by which I'll judge every next gen game showed this year. It looks awesome, plays awesome, and really seems to take advantage of every single thing the console has to offer.
I was thinking about picking it up for the Wii U, but really not sure. I'll wait for more footage to make a better decision.
Xpike said:
Watch_Dogs is the standard by which I'll judge every next gen game showed this year. It looks awesome, plays awesome, and really seems to take advantage of every single thing the console has to offer.

What is this game rated? M? Because I want to get this game
Ness said:
Xpike said:
Watch_Dogs is the standard by which I'll judge every next gen game showed this year. It looks awesome, plays awesome, and really seems to take advantage of every single thing the console has to offer.

What is this game rated? M? Because I want to get this game
It had guns, so of course it's rated M.
I'm interested in it.
These guys look like someone came to them and said "Hey, you guys should go and appear together, it'll look really neat!" and so they did and actually hate each other.

Apart from that, Destiny looks decent. The whole conference was lacking. Apart from confirming that a new inFamous is coming and that Watch_Dogs looks really sweet, it showed us nothing about the PS4 that really hypes me up. I'm thinking I'll probably end up getting a Wii U earlier than it.