Marvel Cinematic Universe

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I felt I was also the only one in the cinema who reacted to the Adam Warlock teaser. Guess not enough people know about him yet for him to garner such a reaction, but in time they'll know just how influential he'll be to the MCU
I thought she said "Atom", at first, for some reason. Adam Warlock obviously makes a ton more sense. Question is whether he'll be in play for Infinity War or not.
Apparently he won't be in Infinity War according to James Gunn. Now, since the 2019 Avengers film is no longer called Infinity War Part 2, he could easily show up in that. If not those two he'll definitely be in Guardians 3.
Just got back from watching this. I absolutely loved the first Guardians of the Galaxy, I absolutely loved the Avengers, I absolutely loved Civil War, but this may be my favorite Marvel movie ever. It just took everything that was great about the first film and maximized it ten times.

Like Neptune said, the interactions between the characters in this one were fantastic. It reminded me a bit of Age of Ultron, but this one wasn't, idk... boring like those were, I guess.

Ego might be my favorite Marvel villain. Like what a total badass. Kurt Russell was brilliant, and the way Quill and Ego interacted before the plot twist was fantastic and genuinely convincing. The battle scene at the end with Ego was also wicked good, and I loved Ego's appearance as an actual rock-formation (basically, the inside of the planet) and I was genuinely creeped out when he became a skeleton and began going through the layers of the body. P.S. PAC-MAN OH MY GOD

In terms of other characters, I really liked Mantis. I'll be curious to see if her role is expanded upon because I don't think they really gave her enough backstory here, so I'm hopeful for that. I'm really happy they gave Kraglin a bigger role compared to the first movie also. I love Sean Gunn.

And then Yondu. Oh my god Yondu. Probably my favorite character in the movie outside of Ego. I was so heartbroken by his death and his connecting scenes with both Rocket and Quill were really well done, heartfelt, and god I just loved them so much. Definitely the star of the movie.

oh thank god i can open these spoiler tags now

Pretty much agree with Packy on taking what made the first one so good and just making it better.

There wasn't as much "Baby Groot does cute things" going on as I feared there would be. I actually thought he was used very well.

Loved how all the main cast gets their fair share of screen time. They all play off each other really well.

The scene where Ego reveals his plans to Peter and drops the bombshell of what he did to Quill's mom was excellent.

I fully admit I was fighting back tears during Yondu's death and funeral.
Saw this and the first ine in a double feature; honestly I prefer the first film but Vol 2. was by no means bad.

Yondu was easily the best character in the movie this time, though, which was great.
back from guardians of the galaxy vol. 2, featuring star-lord, drax, rocket, baby groot, and the other one
it was good. while it does a lot of things that make it a lot better than the standard superhero sequel (actual character interactions, actually killing a character,
actually good villain, etc) i still feel like the first one was better rounded overall, both because of better humor and also because it was a lot fresher and more standalone.
oh well

i gotta say the biggest mistake this movie did was filming scenes on earth. it really takes me out of the movie and also ruins the whole "just random people being off in space" standalone thing

also, probably my single biggest problem with the movie are the Sovereign, who seemed really cool but kinda... didn't do anything in the movie besides apply threats at some points

it's a shame, because I really liked how they used Ego as a non-forgettable villain. it was nice to see Peter actually deal with father figure shit, and the part where he plays ball with Ego is genuinely heartwarming. unfortunately, the fact that the whole thing is resolved by just murdering ego feels... bad. i mean, he was a dick, but he was still peter's father, so i thought it would be nicer to find a way to show Ego how to live for love and other people. especially after the way the villain was dealt with in Doctor Strange, i was let down

also: man, was a GORGEOUS movie. jesus. this is definitely the best looking of marvel's movies, and it's not even close. miles ahead of even the last movie, too. colors are off the chart and really well used, especially the yellow/blues of the Sovereign. and Ego's fractal designs were just breathtaking. the whole movie is nothing short of eye candy

baby groot was surprising tastefully used, thank god

drax absolutely steals the show in this. dave bautista looks like he's having such a wonderful time and im glad. what a wonderful character

gamora, as i expected, gets the short end of the stick again, being allowed no jokes and getting a kinda creepy, almost rapey love story with star lord. i do appreciate what they tried to do with nebula, but while nebula stood out a bit more, i still didn't particularly care for either and the movie probably would have been better off without nebula. gotta set up infinity war, i guess

also... why was sylvester stallone here? not complaining i guess, but he was barely used. maybe he was cut out of the movie...?

not as crazy about the soundtrack as the first movie, though Mr. Blue Sky is a fantastic song and im so happy it was used

Tuxedo Ridley said:
Am I the only one who was getting Cancerverse vibes from this movie? The Sovereign took a lot of cues from the Universal Church of Truth, and the monster at the beginning looked like it could've been taken straight out of a panel from the Thanos Imperative.

i know Gunn said they're inspired at least partly from Metropolis
that scene where ego is simultaneously reconstructing himself while talking to peter is really impressive.

Nabber said:
he was a dick, but he was still peter's father, so i thought it would be nicer to find a way to show Ego how to live for love and other people.

also... why was sylvester stallone here? not complaining i guess, but he was barely used. maybe he was cut out of the movie...?

ego being a dick is one thing, but i imagine any chance of reconcile went out the window when peter found out his town-skipping daddy-o kinda murdered his mom.

i guess they wanted to establish the original gotg crew? don't know what they plan on doing with that but i won't say no to having a hela-esque michelle yeoh in a marvel movie



first one's generic (and looks fake), second one looks fake, the third one is just a mess in every goddamn way and i could probably go on for a day about it if you really want me to

what the FUCK is wrong with this poster. it's a complete mess and looks like a person just took some images he found online and photoshopped them in. why are there two versions of each character? why is tony stark's head bigger than peter parkers?? why is the washington monument randomly put into the poster? was that necessary? it looks awkward as fuck. and what's with everyone looking so angsty? it's a goddamn spiderman movie, look happy or something. except that one woman, i think aunt may maybe, in the corner who's smiling, completely standing out of place. and what's with all the goddamn explosions? there are sparks lining the right side of the poster, then a DIFFERENT set of sparks on the left side, then fire behind iron man, another fire behind Vulture, and the purple stuff by that one guy to the right of Keaton's head. and to make things worse there's a bright light below spiderman's chin for some reason. and speaking of lighting?? why does everyone have different lighting?? everyone is lit from the right except peter parker, who's lit from the left, and... mary jane? who is lit from the back and looks dark as hell because of it. like what the hell, why does everyone look like they're from a different movie? why is the poster so generic? who the fuck approved this? it's an INSULT to graphic designers who put actual effort

compare with a similar kind of poster from our lord and savior Edgar Wright's Baby Driver:
it's not the greatest poster in the world, but it looks clean and stylized. the pink color makes it look unique, everyone is put in a organized manner in the top left, they're all drawn in the same style as to look coherent, the names are all in big letters to the right of the actors, and you have the nice highway car chase below to balance things out. again, not the greatest poster in the world, but it at least feels like it's inspired by the movie instead of lazily put together by a fan in 10 minutes
that wasn't a whole day :'(

tbh i can tolerate it, just looks like a standard action movie poster

of course i might just be smitten by jon favreau giving me that smoulder from the bottom right corner of the poster

it's like he's telling me through his raised right eyebrow that he's the only guy for me and i'm like "wtf man, this is getting weird, let's just stay friends, 'k?" but his eyebrow's telling me "no"
it could be intentional, because the movie is titled homecoming and they decided to capture the "school project" feel of making posters
GalacticPetey said:


Hot damn.

I'm hype as fuck. Black Panther was my favorite part of Civil War, and in hindsight is pretty much everything I like in a character. Something about brooding princes with incredible skill and power is shit.

Also, super late, but me and Stooben watched Guardians 2 together and it was a pretty good time.

any father/son storyline can instantly hit me in the feels because of my own parental abandonment

because of that, the ego/yondu storyline hit me really hard and made me love this one more than the first, because it had more of an emotional impact on me
so i guess phase 4 was confirmed

and it will start with spider man homecoming 2

and it was mentioned that apparently there will be a drastical change of direction after what happens in avengers 3 & 4 so they chose to have spider man immediately follow up to have something light hearted i guess?

i dread to find out what happens in those avengers movies lol
I liked it
First post-credits scene looks like they're setting Scorpion up as the villain for Homecoming 2. Also, Donald Glover's character is named Aaron Davis. In the comics, that's the name of the Prowler, who is also Miles Morales' uncle.

So...Miles Morales in MCU? Possibly?
Reposting what I said in the movies thread:

I really really liked it. Tom Holland is a great Spider-Man and Michael Ketaon was phenomenal as The Vulture.

The Vulture father reveal left me and the whole theater speechless. You could hear a pin drop. And that car ride scene was downright chilling. Great acting from both Holland and Keaton.

Also, the post credits scene. Goddamn Marvel you got me good.

Tuxedo Ridley said:
I liked it
First post-credits scene looks like they're setting Scorpion up as the villain for Homecoming 2. Also, Donald Glover's character is named Aaron Davis. In the comics, that's the name of the Prowler, who is also Miles Morales' uncle.

So...Miles Morales in MCU? Possibly?
Yes, I feel like they have plans for that.