Marvel Cinematic Universe

Whose side are you on?

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aw, man

i was liking this show
I was too.

Unfortunately ratings have been super low and Marvel has two other ABC shows planned. Most Wanted and Damage Control. Something's probably gotta give and it certainly won't be Agents of Shield. Aside from that one aspect you mentioned though, this season did work as a nice story book ending.
Sorry, Cap. I'm Team Iron Man. RDJ is too great.

Looking forward to Civil War a lot, though I know it's going to be so hard to watch with how they've been advertising it. They managed to make me NOT want to see these guys fight each other

I'm psyched for Spider-Man being in the movie, too. He's my favorite superhero of all time.

i dig the inception-style effects.

was there a reason behind making the ancient one a white lady instead of a tibetan dude or did they never really elaborate on that
lmao is that actually the title

it leaked a week or so back but i just disregarded it because it's pretty silly
Hinoka said:

i dig the inception-style effects.

was there a reason behind making the ancient one a white lady instead of a tibetan dude or did they never really elaborate on that
hhhhooohhh my gawd yesss
GalacticPetey said:
Maybe to avoid the trope of a wise old Asian master.

Trailer looks really cool and trippy.

man i hope not, old asian masters are cool.

on another note, finished daredevil s2, think i liked it better than s1.
I know this sounds like a minor complaint, but wouldn't it be nice if there's a superhero movie that didn't use slow motion (or at least use frame blending slow motion, seriously other than Days of Future Past there hasn't been a single Marvel movie that uses it)? I mean when was the last time that has ever happened? Nolan's Dark Knight trilogy. Throughout the majority of Winter Soldier it seemed like Marvel is taking a break from that, until the last few minutes where I was like "Fuck!" The premise to Doctor Strange seems like there's not gonna be any scenes used in slow motion until I saw the trailer and I was like "Fuck!" Marvel I understand you want to make scenes look cool, but please take a break from slow motion (Or again at least take advantage of frame blending slow motion)?
Hinoka said:
GalacticPetey said:
Maybe to avoid the trope of a wise old Asian master.

Trailer looks really cool and trippy.

man i hope not, old asian masters are cool.

on another note, finished daredevil s2, think i liked it better than s1.
Spoilers just in case.
I'm torn. I thought the Punisher stuff exceeded Season 1, while Elektra and the Hand fell a little short. Still good, but Frank Castle stole every scene he was in. Those first four episodes were great.

"You ever been tired Red?"