The Userpedian Epic - Prologue is out!


Artisanal Cheese Taster
Note: I'm publishing this for someone else. None of this will be my own work.
Userpedia has a wide assortment of fictions and comics, but there really isn't any poetry. Well, I - not being Nabber, as I'm going to use him to write this anonymously - will create an epic poem that details of and wacky adventure of users, with rhymes and much enjoyment. It will be fun, it will be funny, and it will be poetry.

A story cannot begin without some characters!

Main Characters:
1. Neptune
2. Cirdec
3. Lily

Major Characters:
1. Anton
2. RandomYoshi
3. New Super Mario

Minor Characters:
1. BMB
2. Rocker

Major Villains (Users or made-up):
1. Tabuu
2. Toad85
3. Dr. Javelin

Minor Villains (Users or made-up):
1. GalacticPetey


If you plan to sign-up, just give me your name, any details you want to note, and what you want to be in accordance to the slots above.
Re: The Userpedian Epic

Sure I'll be a thing. You could refer to me as Anton, and some details could be anything you may glean from my UP page with emphasis on cuttlefish and other tentacled sea creatures being the absolute cutest. I usually sign up as villains, so I guess I'll change it up and be a hero of sorts. The extent you want to use me (Main, Major, Minor) is up to you, unless you realllllly want me to pick.
Re: The Userpedian Epic

Stick me in there as a main character Nabber! If you find it easier, you can always bump me down to major.
Re: The Userpedian Epic

Prologue is out.
Anonymous said:
I'm very excited to see the interest in so many users. Thank you all for willing to be in my epic. I will do my best to shape it in a way that you will both enjoy it, while still appreciate the poetic devices I will attempt to add into it. Though the prologue is out, the true adventure is still yet to arrive. Please be patient, but I hope you stick around through it all! there a plot summary or something like that? It might be niceties know what the plot will be...

If not, that's fine. The prologue was really good. I know it's poetry because it was something I had to re-read a few times to get the gist of it. :P
Jack English said:
oh man who could the writer be

the mystery is killing me

Pss....Nabber, you should tell who it is. We won't tell him, or her...

I bet it really is Nabber, just trying to be all mysterious. Very funny Nabber.
I would like to be Minor Character.
major villain

A triumvirate of me, Toad, and Tabuu is just too good to pass up.

Do you (sorry, does he/she) want descriptions? or no
Jack English said:
guys, guys

what if

the author is posting here
disguised as one of us!?

Tabuu, if it's you, just come out now.

I mean, prologue is posted on your birthday, and you keep and saying how much it is killing you about this mysterious stuff.

Then again, the user seems polite, and well...

Nabber, can you tell us if it's a boy or girl?