Syobon's Action 3D

Well, you remember my Chimpuzzle analysis from Skype. The whole background of trees is always drawn, even off-screen trees.
Yeah, but with Chimpuzzle, I've disabled everything but the Monkey, and it still crashed.

And as for this game, I found the real trouble maker.
You know the 4 Smileys, which drop at the end of the Level?
I've disabled the Cubes holding them in the air, and it no longer crashes!
Enabling them crashes again, so that's really weird (Cubes provided in Unity3D don't have as much triangles, unlike the Plates).
Actually, I've found another solution:
1. Set Gravity on 0.
2. As soon as the Cat passes by, set Gravity on 40.

That seems to work even better on PC, Mac, and Linux too.
I'll patch it tomorrow, as I have no access to upstairs (they're painting the stairs).
I've fixed Chimpuzzle Pro as well.
In this one, the problem came, because the Nintendo Wii U Console seems to hate JavaScript and C# Code in 1 Scene, unlike PC, Mac, Linux, Web, iOS, and Android.
Mainly, but not always.
Unity3D supports JavaScript, C#, and Boo as Scripting Languages, although JavaScript is the standard Language used in Unity3D, I prefer C# the most.
The Unity Team prefers to call JavaScript "UnityScript", I don't know why.
There is no C++ support in Unity3D, sadly.

And Boo is way to simple (like a CMD thing, basically).
Because that's one of the only Engines Nintendo offers, which works good enough.
They also offer Unreal Engine, but that's rather boring for Programmers, and it's hard to make a game that's not a Shooter with it.

They also offer people to make something from scratch, but then I'd need a couple of extra Math classes, and for someone with a Team only 2 or 3 people, it's pretty much impossible.
Anyway, here are the Screenshots on how the finalised game will look like.



If you can, can you translate enemy dialog, and the uber releastic photo backrgrounds are kinda bad.(No offense) So far, I can't wait though! ;D
Dialogs will be all English-only, which is meant to be, anyway.
The Backgrounds are meant to be so bad, that's it will make you laugh.
I gave this game a test run to a few people already, and they all ROFL'd, because of the Backgrounds being realistic, while the rest is unrealistic.
So, my OS X Partition got corrupted in some way nobody even knows how.
I was able to rescue my entire Home Folder, and put it on my External HDD, and the Disk Utility in Recovery HD claims there are no problems at all, but it still magically disappeared from my Boot Screen, so I can't use OS X anymore.
In addition, my USB Sticks won't be read by EFI, CDs and DVDs get spit out by the iMac, no matter what, so all I have left, is a broken and glitchy as fuck Windows 8 Developer Preview (yes, this old!).

To come to the point, this Project gets suspended for a while.
Not because I can't work on another Computer, it's because my interest in this Project dropped from 60% to -40%, when this all happened.
Maybe I'll pick up this interest at a later point.

And it's another lesson for me: Never announce something you're working on, until it gets through the Lot Check (if making for Nintendo), no matter how proud you're on it.
Could you re-read the Post again?
I clearly said I have a Backup, it's just because my interest in making it dropped horribly.
Well, I said I was able to get my entire Home Directory on my External HDD, which includes it.
You can still put the bear on the Server, because as I said, we're not cancelling it, it's rather a big break.
Wow.. you are a super one.. I always thought that game designers/creators aren't normal humans.. You are GENIUS!...
What are Game Developers to you then? Dogs?

Also, I've got my iMac fixed, I just had to go to the Recovery HD, Re-install OS X Lion, give myself Admin permissions back via Single User Mode, Upgrade to OS X Mountain Lion, and Upgrade back to OS X Mavericks.
However, my interests is still not high enough to feel like continuing on it, for now.
It rose only from -40% to -10%, and especially because I'm working on my own 3DS Game Engine, I might be really busy.
It's still not like "You know what? Let's make a Mario game in Space!" ...Few Days Later... "Super Mario Galaxy got finished!".
In this example, it takes years to make it, or if your Team is enormous and highly skilled, it should take a couple of months less.

Also look at Syobon's Action 3D, it's a 3 person Project, and it's still not finished, after a half year of work.