The Mario Adventure-an RP game!


*enter Daisy on the backs of raging Snif-Its, who brutally main each other, spewing out pixils of carnage*

Hi, I'm Daisy!
E. Gadd: Oh my! A princess and the future self of a large plant!
Daisy: oooh, my... Dr. E. Gadd... you've found the fountain of youth??? *suddenly very hawt* Would you show it to me? I've always wanted to be younger than Princess Peach... *forgets train of thought*

OOC: This is slowing down...

Daisy: I feel like wearing leather. *puts on Trinity-style outfit*
Stumpers: Oooh...
Daisy: *slap*
Toad:.........ATTACK PETEY.

(youngpetey, young egad, mario, Luigi, and Daisy all atack petey.)
I have nothing else to do so count me in as Fawful.

Fawful: Fear my mint flavored wrath you overgrown vegetable spewer! {shocks Petey Piranha and temporarily parylizes him} I HAVE FURY!
Fawful: Remeber? You paid me beans, so valuable… as a baby and as an adult nearly killed me.
OOC: Sigh. You guys don't pay attention.

Mario Luigi and Toad were stuck in the past.
Paper Jorge said:
OOC: Sigh. You guys don't pay attention.

Mario Luigi and Toad were stuck in the past.

I just joined. i guess I should read it all, first…
Daisy: I must destract Fawful from fouling my fellow foliage! *to Fawful* Hey, s**y, you like your Daisies hawt?
What does OOC stand for anyway?
PeteyPiranhaLover said:
What does OOC stand for anyway?

Oout of Character.

I know it stinks. SOME people aren't posting. And WHOSE FAULT is it that they went back in time?????

Oh, and Paper Jorge, I mean you.