What's the weather like outside right now?

Raining. Go British Summer!
It's like 4 billion degrees out. I've already stripped away my shirt, pants, and socks, and I have the AC blasting, but there's not much more I can do. There's supposed to be a thunderstorm coming later tonight which should hopefully break the heat and humidity but I'm not sure I can survive that long. Someone please send help.
More Californian drought...more sunshine.......some news about water shortages.

typical Californian summer
It's warm and sunny outside. I went for a lengthy walk earlier and got quite sweaty.
hot and sunny with a slight chance of naps.
It's been really hot all week, reaching almost 32° Celsius, which means Britain is like a rainforest and it rains all the time.
Right now, I'm in the calm before the storm. Previous storms were huge, with cloud-to-cloud lightning everywhere. I slept through that one though as well as my brother, somehow tonight's few distant rumbles of thunder woke me up. I clamped mg hands around my ears and screwed up my eyes, shutting the window and switching on the light.
Today is my friend Alice's party. I hope it doesn't rain there because it's a pool party.
Lakituthequick said:
Roserade the Real Bombchu said:
Mio Akiyama said:
I don't think this is a type of weather...
Is sunny a kind of weather?
it involves environmental conditions altering your day in some way, so i would consider it a weather

while most people would call "moony" weather just "clear night", it's basically the same thing. just more unconventional

i like clear nights. it's nice to be able to gaze up at the moon
The weather outside is frightful. Glaciers melt as we pollute the sky.

It's clear.
Mario4Ever said:
The weather outside is frightful. Glaciers melt as we pollute the sky.
i recently visited a meting glacier in canada and their water is absolutely delicious

we need to increase global warming to provide everyone with super tasty super cold fresh water, fresh off the glacier