What's the weather like outside right now?

The weather has been a messed up as usual. Just 2 weeks ago it was 60 degrees. The past week was high 20s with snow. And today is 48 degrees with strong winds.
It was hailing here a few minutes ago. Nothing damaging or anything, tho - just light little pebbles.
Walkazo said:
It was hailing here a few minutes ago. Nothing damaging or anything, tho - just light little pebbles.

You must be in a thunderstorm then. I hate thunderstorms, they're really scary :/

Toy Chica said:
Lakituthequick said:
It's raining rain.

Hallelujah it's raining rain.
It should do that more here in California. Where I live the drought isn't even as bad, I recently drove down South to go to Disneyland and it wasn't looking too good in the lower valley.

I live only a few miles from Disneyland (I only need to take one freeway to get there too) and I can certainly say yes, yes the drought situation is pret-ty bad.
Baby Luigi said:
Walkazo said:
It was hailing here a few minutes ago. Nothing damaging or anything, tho - just light little pebbles.
You must be in a thunderstorm then. I hate thunderstorms, they're really scary :/
Nope, no thunder (although I personally love t-storms - so exciting); it wasn't even that dark outside, and only lasted a couple minutes.
Walkazo said:
Baby Luigi said:
Walkazo said:
It was hailing here a few minutes ago. Nothing damaging or anything, tho - just light little pebbles.
You must be in a thunderstorm then. I hate thunderstorms, they're really scary :/
Nope, no thunder (although I personally love t-storms - so exciting); it wasn't even that dark outside, and only lasted a couple minutes.

Strange because only cumulonimbus clouds make them. It probably moved away before you can hear it.
Actually, nevermind, it's thundery now. Just one rumble so far, but it's definitely a darker out now than it was an hour ago when the first hail flurries happened - now it's a mix of hail and rain.
Bright and sunny! 8)
The weather's stupidly hot I ----ing hate it
Baby Luigi said:
The weather's stupidly hot I ----ing hate it

It's 93 ---ing degrees

---- this weather

I want my winter back