What's the weather like outside right now?

pissing down rain

I'd usually like this but I don't want to be walking home from work at midnight while it rains.
the nights are the best parts of summer
Tornado sirens going off all morning while I'm on midwife/medical trips around town. I'm crossing my fingers that the actual tornado isn't produced, but it is fairly likely. Extremely cloudy (dark clouds) but still muggy yet a slight chill is in the air.
It's like 85 stinking, sweltering degrees out at 9:55 PM.

Who comes up with this crap, anyway?
Bob Eubanks said:
It's like 85 stinking, sweltering degrees out at 9:55 PM.

Who comes up with this crap, anyway?

Let's take the planet Earth and push it somewhere else!
I wouldn't call that ironic. Thunderstorms can cause microbursts, which can generate dust storms
finally, temperatures that don't make me want to live in subzero temperatures