What's the weather like outside right now?

Raining and it thunderstormed earlier this morning.

Aside from that, I like the large amount of rain we're getting.
Over here, it is calm at the moment, but over the course of a few days, we have had HORRIBLE weather. Our power sometimes cuts out a few times, and that is annoying when trying to play an online game. So far, thunder, bad wind, and a TON of rain.
OmegaVenomous said:
J-Yoshi64 said:
The rain is really coming down.

Where you live, Florida?
Arizona, actually. In fact, just an hour after I posted this, it started hailing!
Stormy. Tree came down on our fence from the neighbors' yard, pretty certain another came down in the neighborhood, and those are only the two I know about.
Terrible. We had a power outage for a minute due to thunder, and it has been pouring as well as us having bad wind. SAVE MEEE
J-Yoshi64 said:
It's almost like January

Really. It's like 15 degrees and super windy. No snow, thank god, but still, why. Why is this a thing that is happening.