Tell the above user what you like the most about them

Sounds fun. I'd like to screw around with the physics if that's possible in Maya...
I like your Wario Hate.

Also that you play gmod

both of those probably apply to your sister as well tho xD
You had a nice avatar by Edofenrir, although 2257 somehow messed with it in one thread.
You aren't single anymore.

I don't like being single.
...What? I don't think so...

You're interested in glitches like I am.
Mary Berry said:
I don't like being single.
being single means having one less person on your plate of relationships.
There are so many things I enjoy about NEX, I'm not sure where to begin.

How about we joined about the same time.
Well now I can say "You enjoy my writing."
Marcia said:
You had an Oliver theme, the most beautiful character to ever been created. (I'm pretty sure it was you with the Oliver theme)
you seem to have taste in terms of beauty, though it's difficult to reach my pure beauty.
good taste in star fox characters i guess
I also tend to brag about important things I do.
Lightspeed said:
Mary Berry said:
I also tend to brag about important things I do.
what does that even mean

When I do something like join the Shroom, I tell as many people as I can.

Nice username.

Haruka Amami said:
I'm enjoying your fanfic and some of your quotes are pretty funny to be honest.

Like which quotes?

You enjoy mj as much as I do, it seems.
I get to create you twice now- 2D and perhaps sprite art if my comic gets to that point.