E. C. Koopa Owner of the Dr. Laura Game. Poll Committee Pronouns Any/all Jan 17, 2016 #327 Whyyy am I always post conflicted? Seriously, 4 times! Good writer.
TPG from deltarune 'Shroom Consultant Poll Consultant Pronouns He/Him/His Jan 17, 2016 #328 I can create you in 3D, 2D and sprite art.
Lorenz Hellman Gloucester absolutely the best boy dont even try to debate it Jan 17, 2016 #329 Quite the HOT guy amirite
E. C. Koopa Owner of the Dr. Laura Game. Poll Committee Pronouns Any/all Jan 17, 2016 #330 I've run out at the moment.
Lorenz Hellman Gloucester absolutely the best boy dont even try to debate it Jan 17, 2016 #332 Quite the amazing person, if i do say so myself
TPG from deltarune 'Shroom Consultant Poll Consultant Pronouns He/Him/His Jan 17, 2016 #334 you people compliment each other a lot.
Lorenz Hellman Gloucester absolutely the best boy dont even try to debate it Jan 17, 2016 #336 you are pretty cool
Meta Knight Accepting applications for The 'Shroom Core 'Shroom Staff Jan 17, 2016 #337 More than just a regular forum user
E. C. Koopa Owner of the Dr. Laura Game. Poll Committee Pronouns Any/all Jan 17, 2016 #338 We share the characteristic of having a character's name as our username.
Will Solace The truth can be significantly annoying Pronouns He/him MarioWiki The Shadow Prince Jan 20, 2016 #340 "I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not."
Lorenz Hellman Gloucester absolutely the best boy dont even try to debate it Jan 20, 2016 #342 you're a pretty funny guy
Will Solace The truth can be significantly annoying Pronouns He/him MarioWiki The Shadow Prince Jan 20, 2016 #343 I like the anime characters on your avatar and sig.
Meta Knight Accepting applications for The 'Shroom Core 'Shroom Staff Jan 20, 2016 #345 Good taste in pokemon
Lorenz Hellman Gloucester absolutely the best boy dont even try to debate it Jan 21, 2016 #348 You're the cutest most precious cinnamon roll ever and i love you
Lorenz Hellman Gloucester absolutely the best boy dont even try to debate it Jan 21, 2016 #350 you're way too cute when you're flustered