Tell the above user what you like the most about them

Plays Mario Kart 8.
Charlie Brown is nervous about school.

ルイージ said:
I don't know you very well, so the best I can say at the moment is that your signature looks very neat and organized!
Thanks! The signature is a no longer operating roller coaster that is fun to watch.
I like Zant.
You use reasonable capitalization, unlike the majority of people on SMM.
Truly misses Walkazo.
I like Peach.
I really like your sig.

General Neptune said:
you've probably got really nice hair irl
I don't get it.
Thanks for putting me in your sig quote.
You probably have a really cool voice irl.
You're nice enough.

Charley Dietz said:
You probably have a really cool voice irl.
Why do you think that?
Uhhh tbh idk. I just think you would though.

I like the dramatic pose your avatar is making.
I like your edits and contributions on MarioWiki, as well as the dedication to it :)
You're knowledgeable about various sciences and have a creative mind what with model making
You've agreed to me that the Kirby platformers is better than the Mario platformers.

because it is
You're a nice and honest person who does make genuine efforts; you also have an interest in technology, which is also pretty rad.
Baby Luigi said:
I like your edits and contributions on MarioWiki, as well as the dedication to it :)

Wow, really? Even I thought I wasn't very dedicated. Thanks.

Anyway, you like to hack/mod games like I do.